Anyone had experience with InvestorsEurope


Hi Guys - I am looking for a broker with wide stocks coverage and ideally FX.

IE looks quite good but I am not at all familiar with them.

Anyone had good or bad experience with them ?

I am not a day trader and most orders will be limit orders and comparitively wide stops so I am not concerned with some of the things that would bother a day trader.

Another option is Thales in Panama. I don't really want a broker who is bound up by reporting regulation etc etc.

Any thoughts ?? 👍
My Name is Pierre Boulle, the Managing Director and Founder of Investors Europe. We are on the ball. Call Blythe Reeve -Head of Sales- on +350 200 40303 or skype 'investorseurope´tomorrow =9:00-18:00 and he will walk you through what we offer. In the meanwhile, consider this below and the fact that we have the largest selection of Offshore Trading Platforms anywhere.

Pierre Boulle, MBA

Client Protection
Regulator: Financial Services Commission Financial Services Commission
Investor Protection Scheme: GICS Gibraltar Investor Compensation Scheme Home Page
Professional Liability Insurance:Eur 1.500.000
Default Insurance: Eur 2.500.000
Auditors: BDO FIDECS

Our commitment to client protection has no equal in Europe.
Hi pierre969,

can you tell me in short words what the benefits are to open an account @IE instead of e.g. Saxo Bank.

Hi pierre969,

can you tell me in short words what the benefits are to open an account @IE instead of e.g. Saxo Bank.


Depends how much you open with and what you want to trade as IE has a lot of choice with about 30 different platforms including a White Labeled Platform of Saxo called Rock Trader. Re Saxo/ Rock Trader: If you trade through IE you go offshore at no cost with a numbered trading account is the short answer.
HI IB prices for futures are better unless you are doing heavy volume but as IB support is so bad you would also get better support with IE.

thanks ,i hear you do spreadbetting too .how do you compare with ?

can you beat the 0.25 spread that FB offers ?
I started trading with them like a month ago. So far so good. Smooth execution. Good communications with the Back office.
Hi Guys,
We are launching a futures campaign (with much better prices) to coincide with the launch of our stock broker in Mauritius. Contact us on skype : investorseurope or + 35020040303 or [email protected] We are also launching our Atlas Trader Stock Options Platform. We give you the platform but we also give you very good HUMAN service. That is our difference ... there are real human faces behind the site and we are regulated in two jurisdictions.. if You want a quick quote go here : Investors Europe - Offshore Stock Brokers Gibraltar online trading platforms FX Futures Stocks CFDs: Client Trading Profile
Pierre Boulle