Any other Q charts users out there


I am having huge problems with Qcharts. There are a number of known faults with the program, out of date island quotes popping up at the top of the level2 screen, dow not updating and carrying over the previous days points loss/gain to the following day in the market watch box , but recently in the regional screen the NYSE bid/ask information is sticking and not updating as the prices move. This is causing missed entries and even having losing positions as the prices from the NYSE can still be telling you that you are in the parameters of a trade when the reality is you now may have a loss. Q charts deny all knowledge of this problem despite changing servers, downloading different versions of the Q charts application and endless phone calls. Is anyone else experiencing the same problems?
I have Qcharts, but trade futures. Of the problems you list the only one I know about is the Dow carrying over the previous day's loss/gain, but this is a data feed problem, not a software problem. Changing servers usually sorts it out, otherwise it just corrects itself within a few minutes of the market opening I find.