Any Jobs?


Experienced member
Hey folks,
As most of you know, I am moving to the UK in a few weeks (going to phone tomorrow for an appointment to get my National Insurance No. etc), and therefore have been looking for employment opportunities.

It costs me nothing to ask here... worst case is I typed this for nothing, or a mod deletes it... I get a warning for spam or whatnot... Sorry if this against the rules :)

Ideally I would like to get a job which in some way helps me with my trading.
Then again, just having an income helps with my trading, so any job essentially helps, in a sense. So... any jobs for me?

I am a 30 year old male...I have a BA in Psychology...Am I self-motivated...Love a challenge...Love using ellipsis when I type ;) ...Looking for something which I can be a part of and use my own creativity and determination to develop it further...If I can connect with something then you will have your work cut out finding someone willing to work harder than me.

I know this is a long shot, but as I said earlier, it's cost nothing to type this.
Obviously I am not relying solely on a trading forum to find employment. Just in case anyone was wondering :)

Ideally I would like to move within a reasonable distance to my sister who lives in Hitchin, Hertfordshire, but I am open to moving elsewhere(including country), especially if it's a great opportunity!

For no reason other than me being a bit odd, i'm just going to leave this link here:

I've been in the UK a few months now but am not happy working in a bookies. The pay is crap and is holding me back in regards to accumulating wealth.

So I'm just going to ask again as there's no harm in doing so... Any jobs?

If the pay is decent then there is a lot of things I'm willing to do. I'll even relocate within the UK, travel around while staying in temporary accomodation, and even open to relocating to another country.

I'm very flexible as I've no family of my own, or girlfriend. So no dependants.

Willing to work hard and put in a lot of hours if the pay is good.

Thanks for reading!
Might be an idea to find out what your sister knows and perhaps more importantly, who she knows. Most jobs start by hooking up with the right network of people and see where that takes you.
Might be an idea to find out what your sister knows and perhaps more importantly, who she knows. Most jobs start by hooking up with the right network of people and see where that takes you.

Thanks for the suggestion mate.
And I'm on it already ;)

She's got/getting me info from a few of her friends from different professions. Some went nowhere but its still building my networks.

Strongly considering packing in this manager job in the bookies and going back into the world of construction. Something like gateman would give me the same pay as current, if not better, and would give me more opportunities to do my trading/Investing and related homework. While getting a ticket for machinery would not give me the free time, but would bring in far more money.

I considered building on my psych bachelor's and going for a masters in counselling, but that will require a year minimum and is a lot of effort for something i dont plan to do fo long, as well as more money than I currently have. It remains on the list though... just happens to be down toward the bottom with selling a kidney :)

Decisions decisions decisions...

Ps:I spoke to a PI a few weeks ago and he said that I'll find it very difficult to get into that field as I have no experience. It's full of ex cops and military folk.
Hey Nowler

there is nothing you cannot do or achieve if you go for it .........its all in your hands excuses

personally i would put trading to one side for 5-10 years and make some money elsewhere is hard enough without hanging such pressure on it as you are .......and the odds are heavily stacked against you anyway (sorry)

focus all that effort elsewhere ...hard graft and if possible setting up businesses ...multiple income streams ......

yep a little hard to take i know ....but thats just my thoughts dude ....i sense you have the hunger and drive .....just park the trading until you have more time and money to entertain it

i have only traded F/T without other income streams for very short periods of times between jobs and consultancy contracts .......will go FT again soon if I need to ......but personally i like the variety and income streams !!

Hey Nowler

there is nothing you cannot do or achieve if you go for it .........its all in your hands excuses

personally i would put trading to one side for 5-10 years and make some money elsewhere is hard enough without hanging such pressure on it as you are .......and the odds are heavily stacked against you anyway (sorry)

focus all that effort elsewhere ...hard graft and if possible setting up businesses ...multiple income streams ......

yep a little hard to take i know ....but thats just my thoughts dude ....i sense you have the hunger and drive .....just park the trading until you have more time and money to entertain it

i have only traded F/T without other income streams for very short periods of times between jobs and consultancy contracts .......will go FT again soon if I need to ......but personally i like the variety and income streams !!


Cheers for the input mate.

I agree, kinda.
I don't have the capital to trade full time yet so the plan is to find good sources of income to build it up.

I accepted a number of months ago that I am not going to be very profitable, if at all, inside the next 2 years. I've also accepted that I am not going to make it full-time on a 1k account.

My rough plan now is to make money the more certain way. That is, with a job and via any other opportunities that I find to compliment it. I am going to keep reading informative books/articles to become more knowledgeable from a theoretical point of view, but am going to keep trading my mini account and stay tuned into the market to build up a practical understanding.

I don't trade as much as I used to. Maybe that's why you said I should walk away for a while? I place 0-5 trades a week nowadays. It really doesn't get in the way of work and leisure.

I really like trading! Definitely bitten by the bug!
I find it stimulating and entertaining... while also being productive...potentially.
The same goes for reading trading books and articles.

What's the alternative?
Spend my time watching reality shows or soaps?
I already work a 40+hr week job... may as well spend my other time doing something that might bring in an income down the line in 5, 10, 15, 20 years.

I do like your suggestion of dual income though!
That is something I definitely something I aim to do! Maybe even add more streams of income!
First things first though... find a better paying job!
And continue to deposit money into my managed investment portfolio for when an opportunity arises to invest it into a higher yielding investment.
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I've been in the UK a few months now but am not happy working in a bookies. The pay is crap and is holding me back in regards to accumulating wealth.

So I'm just going to ask again as there's no harm in doing so... Any jobs?

If the pay is decent then there is a lot of things I'm willing to do. I'll even relocate within the UK, travel around while staying in temporary accomodation, and even open to relocating to another country.

I'm very flexible as I've no family of my own, or girlfriend. So no dependants.

Willing to work hard and put in a lot of hours if the pay is good.

Thanks for reading!

hey nowler

id suggest the Reed website, or other if its better for you, its not just for Reed agency to advertise their vacancies but for many agencies, and the companies themselves. you can upload your CV and keep it updated and the keywords etc will appear on agency searches that they run. also when you submit your CV to a vacancy (& don't get an interview) the agencies often keep your CV on file and may drop you a line in the future. i am not suggesting crappy temp jobs or "agency work" i mean proper permanent jobs that you seek (a temp job can be a good stepping stone however) i know agencies are a pain and you may prefer going direct, i feel the same! but often on the plus side they can sometimes get your foot in the door quicker and easier than you could going direct because many companies have a system in place of asking agencies to send them candidates. anyway, there are lots of direct adverts too.

good luck!
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hey nowler

id suggest the Reed website, or other if its better for you, its not just for Reed agency to advertise their vacancies but for many agencies, and the companies themselves. you can upload your CV and keep it updated and the keywords etc will appear on agency searches that they run. also when you submit your CV to a vacancy (& don't get an interview) the agencies often keep your CV on file and may drop you a line in the future. i am not suggesting crappy temp jobs or "agency work" i mean proper permanent jobs that you seek (a temp job can be a good stepping stone however) i know agencies are a pain and you may prefer going direct, i feel the same! but often on the plus side they can sometimes get your foot in the door quicker and easier than you could going direct because many companies have a system in place of asking agencies to send them candidates. anyway, there are lots of direct adverts too.

good luck!

Hey mate!
Been a while :)

I'm already signed up to it.
Just waiting to get my CSCS card to work on sites, then I can actively seek employment in that field.

Just thought I'd drop my hook here in the off chance that someone bit.

I've definitely got some thinking to do!
Would be nice to build on my psych degree but that will put me 10k in the hole...
Essentially a substantial financial leap in the opposite direction of where I want to go.

I'll have a look around and see what sort of money the NHS offer counsellors.
where are you in the UK?
ever looked at or been involved in sales at all?

Hey mate.
Currently in Hertfordshire.

Never really worked in sales before.
Leisure centre and bookies would be the closest I've been to sales.

Have you something more specific in mind?
Cheers for the input mate.

I agree, kinda.
I don't have the capital to trade full time yet so the plan is to find good sources of income to build it up.

What's the alternative?
Spend my time watching reality shows or soaps?
I already work a 40+hr week job... may as well spend my other time doing something that might bring in an income down the line in 5, 10, 15, 20 years.

I do like your suggestion of dual income though!
That is something I definitely something I aim to do! Maybe even add more streams of income!
First things first though... find a better paying job!
And continue to deposit money into my managed investment portfolio for when an opportunity arises to invest it into a higher yielding investment.

hey Nowler

I am not saying dismiss trading....if its in your blood (like me) you can always keep an eye on the market .....I have been involved in the gambling industry and trading for 50 years so i would never stop taking an interest ......

but it wont make you any money at the moment certainly dont watch TV outside of work :)...use that time to improve your income ..

educate yourself to get better jobs
start small businesses , online or something else
think outside the box .....

I dont know what you will be doing ......but know every really sucessful person i have met has that "can do" attitude and has done some crazy stuff at times to make money or try to make money ....

you dont make money sitting on your butt......try stuff and fail if needed but each failure leads closer to success

I applaud and respect your attitude go out there and make it happen

N :smart:
Hey mate.
Currently in Hertfordshire.

Never really worked in sales before.
Leisure centre and bookies would be the closest I've been to sales.

Have you something more specific in mind?

if you want to make money you need to sell stuff..........nothing comes close to selling ..........

and most people are put off selling because they dont understand the concept..........

if you are good with people and can spend more time listening than talking you will make a great salesman me

I really would like to set up a business actually!
I spoke to one of my friends from back home a few weeks ago asking if he'd be interested it doing something with me. Now, while I'm not sure it would work with him being in a different country (online business maybe) and the fact he has two kids and a soon to be wife draining his money, it's got me thinking...
The more networking I do over here in the UK, the more opportunities that will arrise.

I really enjoy trading! Even the emotional rollercoaster!
I do get deflated at times because of it, and frustrated, but I also get a huge sense of achievement and optimism when I can see how I'm progressing. Plus I love a challenge! And there's not many things out there more challenging than trading.

Increasing my wealth has been a bit difficult since I got here because I arrived with very little money and no job. Then by the time I got a job, I had no money left. Now I'm going from place to place because I keep getting weird landladies and therefore have been taking a chunk out of my wages for deposits. I move into what I am hoping is going to be a medium to long term place next month, so from the following month onward I should be able to save up more money and therefore have the means to invest in whatever opportunities come my way.

I'm going to the coffee shop now for a few hours before work to listen to more of this trading audiobook. I get my inspiration for ideas when I'm out and about, so maybe I can figure out something more solid in regards a better job and additional streams of income.

Thanks for the encouraging input!
hey Nowler

hang in there..........weve all been where you have ........ive been bankcrupt a couple of times over the years......... living in mates houses and on sofas at times in my life .....

if you have the drive and belief in yourself it will happen !

i also recommend perhaps a few motivation videos as well

the power of attraction stuff gets mixed press ...but i am a big believer in confidence and projecting success and good emotions both in and out to others

so perhaps take a look........but dont buy anything from them !!!

hey Nowler

hang in there..........weve all been where you have ........ive been bankcrupt a couple of times over the years......... living in mates houses and on sofas at times in my life .....

if you have the drive and belief in yourself it will happen !

i also recommend perhaps a few motivation videos as well

the power of attraction stuff gets mixed press ...but i am a big believer in confidence and projecting success and good emotions both in and out to others

so perhaps take a look........but dont buy anything from them !!!


Well let's hope I don't go broke then because I have no friends over here, even less so their sofas to sleep on :LOL:
I get your point though.

The words of someone on this forum constantly repeat over and over in my head... Consistent, Persistent...Consistent, Persistent...Consistent, Persistent...

I am also an advocate in believing in yourself being translated into achievement. Granted, believing in yourself isn't enough to make every realistic thing happen... A lot of the time it requires hard work and difficult times.

I need to continue to develop and maintain a forward momentum.

Let's see what happens :)
Various online earning platforms are available for you. You can apply in forex market, or can do the job of affiliate marketing for any renowned company. And by taking or gathering good knowledge you can easily work as a freelancer where you won’t require good academic qualifications just will require strong IT knowledge. I personally favor forex trading as forex has diverse earning opportunities and it is easier to work in forex with any desired amount.
They are always looking for staff in the prison service. I am surprised they haven't sold them all off by now.

They are always looking for staff in the prison service. I am surprised they haven't sold them all off by now.


Hey Pat.

No longer interested in a prison job.
They couldn't even handle the application process when I applied a month or so ago, and then in light of the prison staff walk out recently, they clearly are not able to run a prison. Me and that sort of carry on don't mix well. Its best that I let that endeavour go.
Various online earning platforms are available for you. You can apply in forex market, or can do the job of affiliate marketing for any renowned company. And by taking or gathering good knowledge you can easily work as a freelancer where you won’t require good academic qualifications just will require strong IT knowledge. I personally favor forex trading as forex has diverse earning opportunities and it is easier to work in forex with any desired amount.

Thanks for the suggestion :)
Start your own business. If you have some capital then you have more options.
PM me if you want an idea.