any good brokerage firms in holland?


Hello everybody,
I am new to this site, have never been in a forum or a blog, or whatever else is out there. I have been educating myself online for some time now about spread betting. Now that I want to open an account for this trading, I find that most uk based companies don't provide this service for dutch residents. I have only found one company and they require that I put up with an initial amount of money of 5000 euro's, which I don't have. I just want to start investing by making very small tradings, just to stay on the safe side for as long as it needs be. Does anyone know of a brokerage firm that accept Dutch clients with an initial payment of 500 or 1000 euro's? Or I am now being completely silly and doesn't this exist at all?
thank you for reading this message and if you respond thank you so much more :👍
greetings from lizzie
Oh my god.

You have been living under a bridge or in the amazonas or what? Sorry if that sounds rude, but " have never been in a forum or a blog, or whatever else is out there" sounds too ignorant at all to be true.

Now that I want to open an account for this trading, I find that most uk based companies don't provide this service for dutch residents.

Which, you may not realize, but would be illegal, thanks to the EU? And - sorry - who cares, if there are still tons of US brokers around?

I have only found one company and they require that I put up with an initial amount of money of 5000 euro's, which I don't have.

Which basically means no broker wants you not because you are dutch, but because you are no business thanks to no money? I am just opening new accounts (in the US). Given that I am a german living in Poland and open the accounts for my polish business the situation is a LOT more complicated legally than a dutch person opening personal accounts, and I had not had one single broker telling me "no, we do not deal with that". But then, for a couple of reasons, I go US brokers.

That said, I possibly know a lot better not to ask and just open the account, and the amount I open it with has a couple of zeroes more than the amount you want to put in.

You may not understand, but there is pretty much zero sense in a real brokerage account for EUR 500. Not only can you not really make money, but the costs are going to eat into your profits too much (because they have a minimum per trade cost). This is not "safe", it is "senseless".

With this micro-amounts, spread betting is about the best you can sensibly do. But going real broker (i.e. stocks, or even futures) is not going to get you anywhere. That is like asking where you can buy a new car for EUR 500.