Any Experience With Direct Market Access?

I heard lots about Direct Market Access from brokers. If anyone had any experience with DMA, could you please share your experience with me? I’m really interested to move on, but afraid to lose my money.😢
I heard lots about Direct Market Access from brokers. If anyone had any experience with DMA, could you please share your experience with me? I’m really interested to move on, but afraid to lose my money.
Hi CityMasterTrader,
The FAQ linked below gives an overview of the pros and cons of direct market access brokers (DMA) Vs. non-dma brokers and makes suggestions about how to decide which broker is the best for you: Can You Recommend a Data Feed, Charting Software & Broker?

Take a look at that and then ask any specific questions you may have. In terms of losing your money, if you stick to the big name regulated brokers, then you're unlikely to lose your money through insolvency or fraud. There's still a massive potential - likelihood even - that you'll lose your money - but that will be down to you and your trading skills and have little or nothing to do with your choice of broker!
Hi CityMasterTrader,
The FAQ linked below gives an overview of the pros and cons of direct market access brokers (DMA) Vs. non-dma brokers and makes suggestions about how to decide which broker is the best for you: Can You Recommend a Data Feed, Charting Software & Broker?

Take a look at that and then ask any specific questions you may have. In terms of losing your money, if you stick to the big name regulated brokers, then you're unlikely to lose your money through insolvency or fraud. There's still a massive potential - likelihood even - that you'll lose your money - but that will be down to you and your trading skills and have little or nothing to do with your choice of broker!

Thank you Tim,
Sorry for late reply. I'm in Holiday so couldn't manage to come in forum everyday.
I am checking the links which you mentioned above. I will be more specific once I understand the basic of DMA. I am always stick with the brokers which are regulated by FCA. I had my lesson in past with one binary option company (not mentioning the name) was quite big, regulated by CySEC. I lost my money as I find out they are manipulating the live price. I had screenshot but CySEC haven't done anything. This is true the company operating from Cyprus only because of less regulations and they know they can make money, also cheap labour cost. Otherwise why Israeli, USA, UK broker houses are moving their office in Cyprus? I know also lots of traders are not going to agree with me but I know you are not trader, you are just another advertiser of your broker house.