Any Easing of the Strict 2018 ESMA Leverage Regulations Since Brexit?


Since Brexit (31/1/2020) have the ESMA/FCA leverage regulations, as applied in the UK, been eased at all? Or any prospect of such? Since 2018, UK spreadbet firms have demanded around 10X the former deposit required for retail traders, to trade at the same size. For IG's minimum deposit of £250, this meant only Gold could be traded -- and that's a tough one to forecast!
No changes so far, and no sign of any coming down from the FCA.

'Course, we live in strange times and there's always a possibility that a mass clear-out of European regulatory measures for political kudos might happen to include the ESMA margin limits.....
Thanks for your response. The EU will eventually self-destruct as the controlling world cabal is currently being taken down. However, changes in financial regulations could take years to filter through. The UK could, presumably, opt-out at any time, though?

ESMA's octopus-like tentacles even stretch to Australian residents (but not foreign clients who are regulated in the Bahamas -- Blueberry Markets -- maximum 1:500!), hence the ASIC maximum of 1:30 leverage.