Amazing Silver Market Trend


As I was writing about silver trading in a mobile app called BOOKCOINS. I made a small research on silver bar and coins investment and a few articles came up. One of the article content caught my attention, so I read it use the most layman term to put it in the content below for easy reference and better understanding.
Over the decades, metal investors has been praising about the stability of gold as an investment unit. Recently, silver has made a new statement and once again surprised us with a new world silver data.
According to 2016 World Silver Survey released on May 5th, physical silver Bar and Coin demand hit a new record in 2015. Physical Silver Bar & Coin demand a jump at 24% in 2015 versus the prior year reaching a record 292.3 million oz. “Private Bard & Rounds” was part of the reason for the higher record was it was added to the statistic.

Info from Silver Institute based on data from GFMS Team at Thomson Reuters
According to the demand change in World Silver Market Report on 2014 vs 2015, some of segments of the silver market (Industrial, Jewelry and silverware) were either grew only slightly or declined in the industrial sector. Silverware placed a distant second by increasing only 4%, Jewelry came in third at 1% and total industrial demand fell 4%. While Silver Bar and Coin demand surged by 24% in 2015.
It seems positive for the investor to focus more on the fundamental trend than short-term silver price movement simply because the trend will only get stronger as the financial system becomes weaker.
Prior to the first collapse of the U.S Housing and financial system in 2008, Silver Bar & Coins demand was only 8% of the global industrial consumption. It has become a higher trend and hit a record 50% in 2015.
Valuable Character of Silver

If I were to ask you about Silver, how many types of industry you can name it out on top of your head?
For the ladies, jewellery will first came to their mind. Tiffany & Co. , Cartier bracelet etc.. As for the gentlement, industrial use will be first to mention.
Silver carries many industrial uses, responsible for more than half of annual demand worldwide over the last five years.
Which mean the economic growth are more depended and affect by silver compare to gold. For gold, there is only 10-15% of annual gold demand worldwide comes from industrial use, the rest going to jewelry and investment.
Silver carry a good physical strength, brilliance, malleability and ductility, as it can be squashed or pulled into shape. With the versatility of silver, it can be use in wide variety. For a thousand of years, silver is in high demand in jewelry, tableware and fine art. As silver is being known of its conductivity on the highest of any element for electricity and hear, it is used in industrial application due to its sensitivity to light and anti-bacterial qualities.
Today silver carry a higher ground and it is invaluable to solder and brazing alloys, batteries, dentistry, glass coatings, LED chips, medicine, nuclear reactors, photography, photovoltaic (or solar) energy, RFID chips (for tracking parcels or shipments worldwide), semiconductors, touch screens, water purification, wood preservatives and many other industrial uses.
It is being called as “the indispensable metal” according to Washington-based industry group.
US, Canada, China, India, Japan, South Korea, Germany and Russia has been the biggest consumers of silver for industrial applications this past decade.
Looking at the value of the silver. It is definitely a good product to invest due to its versatility. We have various platform that we came across for silver invest. One of them that caught my eye was bookcoins.