Alternative Views


Veteren member
So that other threads can stay focused I thought any alternative views or comments could be posted on this thread.
Alternative as in crystal-ball gazing, astrology and runes as indicators ? :D

Is this alternative views. ( full stop )

or alternative views to Trading Up From The Basement thread.

If it is the latter perhaps it should be reflected in the title


Good Idea DC…

Just a mention of posts recently on T2W that have appeared to draw parallels between the market and battlefields/warzones etc….

It reminds me of quotes from Tony Oz who is a top US trader, 3-time winner of the ‘Classic Hedge Hog’ stock picking contest defeating 2300 other contestants – in short a trader with serious credentials…

“The stock market is not a battlefield. One of the keys to successful trading is recognising that the market is not a combatant. It is not a bloodstained arena, a boxing ring, a firefight, or even a physical thing. It took me years to realise that viewing the markets as a battle or a conflict or a place of adversity was not useful for my everyday psychology…..”

So, an alternative view from a proven successful trader – Tony’s website at is worth a look with some great books/CD’s available.
Hi Bracke absolutely anything trading or T2W related, it may help if a link to the topic is included

ie Mr X posts "I think level 2 is the best thing since sliced bread"
Alternative "I believe its far to complicated much better to use xyz "

This does not mean post a personal attack on the originator just an alternative viewpoint.

Also anything that is unconvetional that people have found improves their trading, playing music, yoga, eating bacon butties
Im going to say "yes", even though big red warning bells are ringing in my head and big neon signs saying "A320 is smiling "

Please go easy on us mere mortals
I think you need to 'get into helicopter mode' and look at it from above.

The only time I've thought of the market as a battlefield is from a floor/pit trader's point of view. Otherwise it's always been more like a game of chess. If it was a battlefield then you'd need to be the general and work out what your opposite number is thinking and what he'll do next.
dc2000 said:
Please go easy on us mere mortals

:eek: :LOL: I don't think these board's are quite ready for me going off on one just yet... Maybe a little sacred geometry here and there, but I still remember the fuss on here about TH's tide charts :)))

take it easy



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a320 said:
:eek: :LOL: I don't think these board's are quite ready for me going off on one just yet... Maybe a little sacred geometry here and there, but I still remember the fuss on here about TH's tide charts :)))

take it easy


Ah..The grand master, or maybe master of ceremonies?