AllOptions BV, Amsterdam


Junior member
Hi guys,

anyone of you heard of AllOptions BV in amsterdam? Are they an arcade or similar to optiver and IMC? Also, what do you know about their recruiting process--as tough as the other private marketmakers?

Yes similar to Optiver and IMC. Market makers, their origin was the tradingfloor of the first European Option Exchange EOE in amsterdam. A terrific place, like Chicago, pitty it is closed and tranformed into screentrading which makes these big players less visible.

The Amsterdam option exchange was light years ahead of its competitors both in Europe (UK) and the US. My partner is also a former market maker of this EOE-exchange, now Euronext-Life. After the merger with Life Euronext moved its derivatives business to London. What a shame. A lot of innovation was killed in the process.

Now you probably better understand why these All Options, Optiver and IMC have become such big, international, and innovative trading organisations.

Dutchmen Capital Dutchmen Capital

Karel Beelaerts
Thanx Karel,

since u seem to be very experienced, can u offer an insight on what kind of trainees these firms recruit.
An experience with one of those firms has left me a bit disillusioned about all the things they claim to support like 'diversity' and 'we don't care about your subject of study' and 'you can enroll to our training program' and so on.
A good friend also got also turned down by another one of them, despite scoring optimum points on their test.
1.Do not rely on others. Believe in your self.
2. They look for smart guys and girls, strong in math and willing to learn.
3. All options, IMC and Optiver are smart shops, working for them will help your resumee.
4. do their test which you can find on their website.
5. Background is less important as long as the trading skills are there.