Algo: CNBC Mad Money Pump and Dump

BE Trader

Junior member
Mad Money is an American finance television program hosted by Jim Cramer that began airing on CNBC on March 14, 2005. Its main focus is investment and speculation, particularly in public company stocks.

I have backtested Jim Cramer's Mad Money buy recommendations since the beginning of 2021 to the end of Nov.

Market Stats for the period
  • Total S&P500 returns
    • ~23%
    • ~24.5% with dividends reinvestment
Mad Money Stats for the period:
  • 2,096 Buy recommendations
  • 283 Sell recommendations
  • 0 Hold recommendations
  • ~11.5 average buy recommendations daily
  • Most recommended stock is $AAPL with 40 Buy recommendations

For simplicity purpose I was buying whole number of shares within $1,000
Strategy: buy next day (after the show), hold 5 days and sell EOD
  • Total gain was $27,720.31
    • Given the average # of buy recommendations ~$57,500 of capital needed per day
    • 48.2% total gain - not bad at all
Disclaimer: all calculations made using BreakingEquity
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