Advice on Spread Trade Systems



New to T2W and a beginner in trading. Looking for advice/experience on the Spread Trade Systems educational program. Looked in T2W forums but didn't find any posts. Attended one of STS' free intro webseminars, their system seems good - but I've read both strong pros and cons on the net. Basic question is can a technical person (I'm an engineer) successfully learn this type system through personal education without spending $2.5K - $9K, or does one really need the STS course? Being new to trading (and not knowing anything about options), I just don't know about spending thousands of $$ to get educated vs. hard work on my own to learn the same thing. Thanks for your help on my due diligence concerning this.
i would not waste 2.5 to 9k on any course. reading books, magazines and trade2win will cost you alot less money and you will learn more. It takes time and perseverance, but that's life. use the money for trading when you have a system in place.
i would not start of by trading options if i was new to trading, basic buy and selling of shares, rolling cash contracts or futures contracts would be where i start.
options are fine to start with imo as long as you really comprehend the price variables.

as for strategy, you may be best taking it slow by looking at seasonal patterns in comodities and taking positions accordingly. Moore Research Center - commodity futures and spread trading historical research for futures traders!

a lot of commercial options methods are based around trading time decay to collect premium due to the high 'win' rate. they dont point out this is akin to picking pennies in front of a steam roller. only a matter of time before you are sauce. better take the other side with loads of known small losses/risk, but the occasional pay day when you clean up.
Hello all. Good input. I, too, am researching the Spread Trade Systems education. I understand the reasoning here, but i also understand the value of learning from someone who has been there before. That being said (and having done stocks/options on my own for 3 years), i'm happy to invest the money in the STS education IF (and only if) it can really teach me and give me the support/skills to trade more successfully. Trust me, i havn't got where i am today by rushing into decisions, but i am looking for some personal experience. Has anyone out there actually been through this trading methodolgoy? If so, any input would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance.
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Whatever STS teach, it's already well known and probably common practise. If it isn't, it's because it lacks merit. You don't need to pay for anything, although I would recommend buying a few decent books - always a good investment. Yes, it is hard work and will take a fair bit of time/study but to assume otherwise is dangerous to your wealth.

There is more expertise on T2W and the web generally than can be taught in a lifetime of paid courses. And the old question always crops up, "if they are that good, why aren't they trdaing?".
