about trailing stop order


Junior member
I know in theory the trailing order should change along with the price movement, but now sure how. Does the system remember the lowest or highest point in the recent history?

e.g. if sell current point 1000, set trailing stop at 100 point allowance, i.e. buy back at 1100. then the point move to 1050, will not the stop order change to "buy back at 1150" ? and when the point move to 1100, will not the order change to "buy back at 1200", and no end of chasing the trailing target?

how does the trailing order decide the BASE to count on the pencentage or points allowance?
the anwer to your question is it depends of what platform you use.

Some have stops at Moving Avarages leavels.....
Some have % profit stops
Some have ( ? ) points below/higher from the riecent high of a particular time frame.

Its best to speak with your broker or SB merchant