I am glad to hear you say that their helpline works professionally...I have found setting up an account with them extremely difficult - it appears they wont let you set up unless you have over 2 years CFD trading experience! Still other than that they seem very good. And thanks whipsaw for the encouragement!
i have an account since about 1 year, cannot complain, the spreads are good, and i use them for discretionary long term trading and some dax scapling from time to time. it seems that they are preparing for an api release, i am looking forward to that.
My experience is totally different - regarding CFDs ( indices)- due to their very special incarnation of offered indices: To avoid overnight financing costs, these are calculated constantly and added to the price of the underlying. So at no time you have a dax (or ftse) comparable to spot or future prices, you can`t verify their artificial dax (dow, nq100...) construct with third party datafeeds. And worst of all they won`t supply any historical data of their artificial prices for backtesting. And you will pay for financing intraday as well.
For currencies they are ok, but why not go with the original (OandA) instead?
1.CFD on currencies works as same as in oanda forex trading which cannot offer CFD as they are US based.
2.I supposed almost magin trading transations are on a day trading basis. very fews player look at the overnight interests pay-in or out.(therefor,i was wondering why abn need to highlight their "paying interest like saving account on the margin trading balance".
3.regarding to the underlying market price,i do have the same confused question before,but now i believe,all futures index price has more stability rather than spot.and when you trade CFD,all prices are OTC (except Australia) price,once you believe they offer you at higher / lower price compare with your point of view,then just go short / long to against this priciple.simple as that.😆
4.the provider is a trading service firm,not a data vendor. so if you need more deepth in market data,i suggest you go to esignal or quote.
But in the Abnamro demo, I didn't find there were any interests charges occurs during a position hold WITHIN same trading day.It's incredible. O