A Quote for you all to Ponder.

Bullz n Bearz

Junior member
Hi, this quote was handwritten by me to share with you all. Please read it carefully.

"What we think defines who we are. Who we are should soley focus on our own inherent abilities to think individually with a knowledge we choose to learn for ourselves. There should be no outside influence on our journey to discover this knowledge that we seek that will in turn change our ways of thought. Once you find this knowledge you most relate to, you will then be able to shape your new form of thinking. This is where life begins.."

-The Bull n' Bear Philosophy
Hi, this quote was handwritten by me to share with you all. Please read it carefully.

"What we think defines who we are. Who we are should soley focus on our own inherent abilities to think individually with a knowledge we choose to learn for ourselves. There should be no outside influence on our journey to discover this knowledge that we seek that will in turn change our ways of thought. Once you find this knowledge you most relate to, you will then be able to shape your new form of thinking. This is where life begins.."

-The Bull n' Bear Philosophy

Strongly disagree.

If you had a choice between going to school or playing outside which would you choose?

How would that define you as you grew up?

If your 5 year old wanted to play near a deep pond or stick his hand into the fire will you be subjecting your 5 year old to outside influence.

Ok silly example, how about a 13 or 14 year old who thinks they know it all, are you going to be laid back and say go ahead and learn through your own mistakes.

Are you refering to nationality, religeon or politics. The same applies there. If I think worshipping the sun and human sacrifice is the wrong thing to do but my children are into it what are you going to do. Say yeah that's cool dude go right ahead. Ehem can I have one of your children for my ones to sacrifice for their beliefs.

Lifes much more complicated than that.

I strongly disagree and would put it to you to reconsider your judegement on the learning process.

Interesting subject matter though. Get all the philophers going and you'll never have another dull day in your life.

Yours sincerely,


nice quote .

I hear you, but, people say, knowledge not shared is not worth having.

hmm maybe in relation to commercial activities in pursuit of dollars we can see a tight lip policy , or being dumb, or to dis-inform is fair play in business.

Now the tuition of others, or guidance,assistance, teaching etc, holding in mind your own selfish "sole and soul rights to aquisition of truths" then yes its a massive pondering of should or should not.

Hence , I agree "Oh, I would if I could" is perhaps best practice. But that said, what about a prod towards seeing the essence, from which self teaching may fruit ?

You know what, these days I cant help thinking, who's playin who ? Now if awareness of this keeps on creepin on the up, then it cant be allowed to, can it? hence governments, social structures and laws. clever buggers.

The quote defines who we are as people. We are our thoughts.. To enhance our understanding of life we must pursue knowledge in one form or the other. The journey to pursue the right knowledge is what life is all about.


PS: I would appreciate you try not to debate or argue the point. If you don't like it just pass by I would say.. Now it seems like the quote may lose a little "value" on the boards as a veteran poster disagrees with it.. 🙁
nice quote .

I hear you, but, people say, knowledge not shared is not worth having.

hmm maybe in relation to commercial activities in pursuit of dollars we can see a tight lip policy , or being dumb, or to dis-inform is fair play in business.

Now the tuition of others, or guidance,assistance, teaching etc, holding in mind your own selfish "sole and soul rights to aquisition of truths" then yes its a massive pondering of should or should not.

Hence , I agree "Oh, I would if I could" is perhaps best practice. But that said, what about a prod towards seeing the essence, from which self teaching may fruit ?

You know what, these days I cant help thinking, who's playin who ? Now if awareness of this keeps on creepin on the up, then it cant be allowed to, can it? hence governments, social structures and laws. clever buggers.

Yeah there is that too. Like Hitler's youth brain washed to think they were super human beings but they couldn't deliver on the athletics track could they.

Or how about the American so called "decent church goers" who were tought that black african slaves were created to serve the white man.

Or Zionist who believe they are the chosen race or people.

Or Fundamentalist muslims who believe all infidels must be killed and even muslims who pay tax in America are not real muslims and they too should be killed. How stupid is that?

It all gets too much and too crazy to sort all this out. Best to leave man to find his level. I think finding one self is a matter of choosing the path and let God dish out rewards or punishment on Judgement day.

Anyone who thinks they can do Gods work is blaspheming imo or out of their heads. Dante comes to mind who I think was another fruit cake who tried very hard.

If I had to choose a preferance on knowledge and learning I would choose the simple stupid man to the educated extreme brain washed one as above...

Anyway this is all getting very heavy. I do not wish to offend and apologies if I have offended the great three religeons but I'll let God judge me in due course for the path I have trodden on this earth not man or woman...:cheesy: Forget to mention PC and sexism. Ooops... 😆

Have a great weekend everyone.

The quote defines who we are as people. We are our thoughts.. To enhance our understanding of life we must pursue knowledge in one form or the other. The journey to pursue the right knowledge is what life is all about.


PS: I would appreciate you try not to debate or argue the point. If you don't like it just pass by I would say.. Now it seems like the quote may lose a little "value" on the boards as a veteran poster disagrees with it.. 🙁

Why dont governments, our leaders, sage like peers always tell the truth then ? what is the right knowledge ?

We are our thoughts? so how man thinketh so shall he be. Its a part of us yes, but are we not also, a part of everything else, that thinks?

People these days are aware of thinking or the part of the human that thinks is a part of them. I do not agree at this stage that its the definition of them.

Understanding of life? I would say its to experience or feel, feel the experience. Create your own experience, share in anothers, good or bad.

In that sense, life is a gift, yes? Does it hurt at times or do we feel hurt? course we do at times, but is that bad? lol, lookie its ying and yang, light and dark, everything and nothing. The long and short of it.

😛 , 😢

God does not judge, through us, God lives. God has given us the freedom of will with life to do as we please. God will not judge if you help an old lady across the road or nick her purse, that judgement to make of taking that action ,the judgement of the consequences of it is your own . Free will remember, no strings attached with that . Yes, law will judge as other humans will ,but God does not.

Think about it, how can we be given free will with conditions attached from God? It wouldnt make sense , hence the only conditions that should be attached are those that we demand of our ownselves in our own lifes pursuit.

Good God ,Amen to that. 🙂

Saturdays, Sunday service.
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Whoa whoa! You're using your left brain too much.. lol.. Too much analyzing on this one quote.. Give it a chance 🙂

Yeah there is that too. Like Hitler's youth brain washed to think they were super human beings but they couldn't deliver on the athletics track could they.

Or how about the American so called "decent church goers" who were tought that black african slaves were created to serve the white man.

Or Zionist who believe they are the chosen race or people.

Or Fundamentalist muslims who believe all infidels must be killed and even muslims who pay tax in America are not real muslims and they too should be killed. How stupid is that?

It all gets too much and too crazy to sort all this out. Best to leave man to find his level. I think finding one self is a matter of choosing the path and let God dish out rewards or punishment on Judgement day.

Anyone who thinks they can do Gods work is blaspheming imo or out of their heads. Dante comes to mind who I think was another fruit cake who tried very hard.

If I had to choose a preferance on knowledge and learning I would choose the simple stupid man to the educated extreme brain washed one as above...

Anyway this is all getting very heavy. I do not wish to offend and apologies if I have offended the great three religeons but I'll let God judge me in due course for the path I have trodden on this earth not man or woman...:cheesy: Forget to mention PC and sexism. Ooops... 😆

Have a great weekend everyone.

The quote defines who we are as people. We are our thoughts.. To enhance our understanding of life we must pursue knowledge in one form or the other. The journey to pursue the right knowledge is what life is all about.


PS: I would appreciate you try not to debate or argue the point. If you don't like it just pass by I would say.. Now it seems like the quote may lose a little "value" on the boards as a veteran poster disagrees with it.. 🙁

Hi BnB,

The bits I have boldened I feel infringes my train of thought - rightly or wrongly. Forgive me but all this is very deep and the fact that it stimulates debate is good. This is a very hairy topic indeed.

Also, perhaps I'm confused within my self - undecided if you will. I don't know. 🙄
One can argue the point both ways. I mean I may not like the way some people think but at what point would I object. I'm all for free speech and information and let the individual decide.

imo the moment you post your quote it becomes public property and you lose control on how it is interpreted. A little like art I guess. You may try and direct or communicate but the consumption of your message can easily be polluted.

I'm a little twisted tonight. 😈

Kind regards and once again apologies as I don't feel I'm on top of the world but in some deep murky swamp of idealism.
No worries, all is well.

Thank you

Hi BnB,

The bits I have boldened I feel infringes my train of thought - rightly or wrongly. Forgive me but all this is very deep and the fact that it stimulates debate is good. This is a very hairy topic indeed.

Also, perhaps I'm confused within my self - undecided if you will. I don't know. 🙄
One can argue the point both ways. I mean I may not like the way some people think but at what point would I object. I'm all for free speech and information and let the individual decide.

imo the moment you post your quote it becomes public property and you lose control on how it is interpreted. A little like art I guess. You may try and direct or communicate but the consumption of your message can easily be polluted.

I'm a little twisted tonight. 😈

Kind regards and once again apologies as I don't feel I'm on top of the world but in some deep murky swamp of idealism.