$93 to a bit more


Experienced member
here's the deal; i started oanda forex 3 weeks ago with $97, took one loss and now it's $93
method: find a trend i understand, wait for a pullback, attack it if it all lines up, pyramid to it on further dips, adjust trailing stop manually

now:waiting for a break of lows in EURUSD/GBPUSD, then waiting for a pullback, will risk $8 on first pullback, i think this has potential
I watch other pairs apart from cable and eurusd, in fact i watch 9, though they are mostly correlated and they trend rather ugly aswell, EURUSD/GBPUSD tend to trend cleanly and provide good pullbacks, i found AUDUSD/NZDUSD etc ugly.
problem here; AUDUSD has broke its lows and retraced , yet cable/eurusd have held their lows, and are retracing...not what i'm looking for.
Here's my business plan : if i think the trend has changed, i will try catch the next swing, risk 4%, then pyramid with 7%, then 4%, and risk 4% on every further dip.

That's 4% 7% then 4% till it ends.
4% of 93=3.72
i will risk £3.72 on the upcoming trade

if i do well i will pyramid myself and add more to the account, so let's forget i ever wrote $8 risk, this is to prove to myself that if i treat it as a business, i can generate profit, and as bill lipschutz says, we have to find a way to make money being right only 20-30% of the time; hence the 'low' risk initially.

another reason im not going to risk $8 is that i don't REALLY have 100% confidence of a double dip...so why should i act like it, i don't pretend to be an economist so let's hope scaling in slowly is a good approach

if i am stopped out, but was wrong with the stop and still think the trend is there, i do not re enter until a continuation of highs/lows
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I do apologise; just checked and it was actually £2.95!

Let me let you into the exciting tale. I put £5 into Skybet's deal or no deal this weekend, and received £3 in return.

A £2 loss?


For the only reason I was playing such a moronic game was Skybet was offering a free £5 bet if I deposited £5 and played deal or no deal that weekend. Now, free bets aren't stake returned, so it's fairly difficult to extract the entire stake. But by examining the 8:20 1m4f Handicap at York yesterday, goddamit if I wasn't able to get that £5 on geegee Storm Hawk at Skybet at 20-1 (that is to say, 21.0 on decimal odds) while laying the blighter for £5.19 at average odds of 19.321 at Betfair (so say my logs).

After comission and such like, when the poor thing lost I gained £4.95, as I would have done, give or take a penny or two, had he lost...

So... deposit £5... win £7.95... why I do believe that's £2.95 profit.

Happy days...
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JD started with £97. Now Chartsy is trading off $93. What next?

lol 😆

Next ! £10

Well I was going to trade on Oanda but I have had problems getting funds on the account in the past. So Monday I sent a test deposit of £10 to make sure I got the deposit process right.

As now I'm on Smart Live Markets I'll just trade the £10 as and when.
no offence, but rly wtf is the point

Shocked..:-0 at such language from a forum guide...😉 Valid point, but if it helps JD trader then wtf. But as well all know trading at ten/twenty ppp, or buying ten/twenty lots is a whole different ball game, different park, different fookin universe..
TBH I'm with you, I cba with broadcasting mini/micro performance, but heh, we're all different...🙂