60 seconds trading. Is this delusional for massive profits


I am a newbie and would like to ask many of you who uses the 60 seconds option trade. I have viewed many of YouTube, forums and such like advertising by individuals to advertise a strategy to make enormous profit with this 60 seconds trade. You will surely have come across the method of repeating a trade in succession immediately one is almost completed in the 60 seconds ending and as many trades to profit. Yes, it shows an amazing profit thought unbelievable but true. I paper traded to similar circumstance and with very short delays which happens either to internet connection speed or otherwise. I have made dozens of this 60 seconds strategy trades and all proved with positive result. I realised this is not new and has been on the internet for this type of trading to generate massive profits. Now here's the crunch. If this works so easily for profit I wonder why the website is still available and not gone bankrupt or even stopped the 60 seconds strategy to prevent people becoming very, very rich. If this is true on a ‘rig up’ method to copy in simile to trade on a ‘live’ platform and works perfect, why has not any website stop the 60 second binary option? Unless, of course, the company has already ‘rigged’ up with certain technical knowledge to cause interruptions without the trader recognizing it. The interruptions could be such as following say:
Freezing the screen while trading, unnoticeable interruptions while on this trade and other technical ways to prevent the 60 second trader from profiteering. I must reiterate the interruptions to prevent such profiteering is not possible to recognise by the person while trading. Maybe someone out there can prove me wrong with what I am saying here, about platforms to rig the 60 seconds option trader or even if there is someone genuine to allay my fears on this matter. I am about to open an account and feel after many positive efforts to prove this works on paper trade but will it succeed without the binary option website use technical knowledge to prevent profiteering.
Can I have a positive feedback from those people who are involved with 60 seconds option. I certainly would like to hear from those advertisers who are affiliated to website platform to convince me this works and recommend me a website to earn their commission.
I would certainly thank the genuine person who has currently or had experiences that the 60 second video to massive profits is not cut out to what it says during ‘live’ trading.