3 books that could change your life


Active member
I want to recommend three books that could well change your life if you take the time to read them and understand the message in each of them. I desperately wish that I was given each of these three books when I was 18. I wasn't so here I am at 40 trying to get started. Oh well, better late than never! I truly believe that these three books in combination give you everything you need to know to start out with nothing and build a decent amount of wealth in a reasonable space of time. Of course the earlier you start the better but you have to start from where you are.

The first book is The Richest Man in Babylon...


These amazon links are just for information and not affiliate links. You can find all of these books online in various places if you look.

The book is basically about the accumulation of wealth and how to go about getting started.

The second book is How I Made $2 Million in the Stock Market...


This tells the story of a dancer called Nicolas Darvas who made good money in the stock market from all over the world using a simple approach. His Darvas Box Method is basically a breakout method with pyramiding although he does use volume too and selects his stocks based on what the company does.

The third book is The Zurich Axioms...

The Zurich Axioms: Amazon.co.uk: Max Gunther: Books

This reinforces book two and teaches you how to speculate and win.

This is the information you need just as you are leaving school and get your first job and yet this is also the information that very rarely gets told to anyone until they discover it for themselves much later in life. Please try to pass this on to as many young people as you can. Some will "get it" and some just won't but the more people we can help as we go along the better.

I appreciate any comments on this. Maybe you have better suggestions?
hey gang

intesresting choices along the road ..heres my 2 penuth.....

Richest man in Babylon ? ............the story telling approach to me stinks of the Management consultancy garbage still pervaying most industries .....want to make more fees ?.........tell it as a fairy tale .....want to get rid of lots of people in a company downsize ?........give them a book on cheese ....sorry the book tells you to invest some of your earnings and a few other basic tricks ....but its not rocket science

if you do want a decent set of contemporay storytale reads re business then Robert Hyrosakis rich dad poor dad series is a good grounding and probbaly more beneficial these days

The Darvas book is a good read ..........so fair play ....did you know he changed his performing name to Bruce forsythe and is still on strictly come dancing on the BBC ?

the Zurich Axioms .......hmmmm.........i'm not a fan ........a few other tricks about investing and lots of other Generalisations about the world and business..........not in my top 3 re trading ....but then the swiss are not my favourite race at the moment so perhaps I am a little bias (long story)

Kathy Lien and her side kick Boris are good dudes.......I used to quote them a lot on my threads ....so Kathys work is always worth a read ..........

I dont think there is 1 generic investing / trading book that can cover all the bases .................I havnt read it ..probably the Market wizards series is the best of them for reasons below re TRADING ....

I recommend people read the authorised autobiographies of the Great Entrepreneurs past and present and see the traits they all bring to make them sucessful (not a storytale Babylonian dude)

Rockefella / Rothchild / Brunel / Buffett / Ford / Trump / Branson / Jobs / Gates

and go find the traders/lifestories that made FORTUNES in the Market (whether they kept them or not)

If you want to be sucessful in Trading or Investing (that are 100% different things by the way) then just apply those traits to learning and excelling in this field

if you stick at it you will be sucessful by following the entrepreneurs rules .........or you will quickly realise you are not suited to these vocations and move on to new things where you are suited ............(and pay someone you trust to advise you how to invest your money):smart:

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