256 color palette


Junior member
Hi all
A friend is having problems with some games and educational cds not being able to be played/installed on her computer- and yet when I try them on this computer, they install fine. Both run XP.
When you insert the cds, a message comes up along the lines of “… runs only in 256 color palette mode only ….. set up the display mode”
She has had a new gforce 128 video card installed and this hasn’t helped with the problem. I have tried to play around with the dispaly settings but no go.
Any ideas??
Or are there any window xp bulletin boards out there that someone can direct me to.
Thanks in advance,
Cheers, Jon
🙂 🙂
Hi oatman,
Yes, there is a wizard. I tried that and installed one of the cds. Thought that was great after gong around in circles !!! Had also changed the display settings from 32 bit to 256 colors, and this worked fine.
However, after saving the settings for this particular program, and after changing the display back to 32 bit, tried the program and the same old message came up that it could only run in 256 colors!
So, almost back to square one. My friend is not that computer literate that she can keep changing the display settings from 32 bit to 256 all the time.
What I can’t understand is why the cd worked fine on this computer, and yet on Julie’s computer it needs to have the display settings changed over??? (Julie has a brand new gforce 128 mb video card installed and the system is only about 6 months old). It makes no sense to me at all – this computer is a couple of years old.
Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Cheers jon
Sounds very much to me like a driver issue. Get the latest drivers from the graphics card manufacturer and try then.
Thanks for the suggestions guys.
Oatman - will give pcpitstop a try.
Slapshot - thought that they were the latest drivers though will check out the website and download the latest from there and give that a go.
Many thanks
Cheers Jon