2009 CFA schweser study notes for level 1 to 3(have samples)


2009 CFA schweser study notes for level 1 to 3(have samples)

you can contact me with :[email protected]

any questions,please feel free to contact me
the only acceptable payment way is paypal,make our trade safe.

you can contact me to get the sample!

you can get :
study notes of level 1 2009 30USD
2008 level 1-3 study notes at price 30USD
2008 level 1-3 schweser Pro Qbank at price 40USD
2008 level 1-3 secrect sauce at price 20USD
2008 level 2-3 schweser video at price 60USD
2008 study notes+practice exam volume 1 and 2(with solutions) at price 60USD

you can get the materials as soon as you make the payment!

if you buy more than 2 items,there will be more discount.
you can contact me with :[email protected]
Re: 2010 CFA schweser study notes for level 1 to 3

2010 CFA schweser study notes for level 1 to 3(have samples)

you can contact me with :[email protected]

any questions,please feel free to contact me
the only acceptable payment way is paypal,make our trade safe.

you can contact me to get the sample!

Level 1,2 & 3 Solution:

Package -1: USD 30

1) 2010 Schweser Study Notes (0 – 5) - (Available Now) -
2) 2010 Schweser Quick Sheet - (Available NOW) –
3) 2010 Schweser Practice Exams 1 and 2 with detailed solutions - (Availability NOW) –
4) 2009 Schweser Practice Exams 1 and 2 with detailed solutions -
5) 2009 Schweser Qbank
6) 2009 Schweser Secret Sauce
7) 2009 CFAI 3 Sample Exams and 1 Mock Exam ( June 2009 Exam )

Package -2: $60 (whole Package)
List of materials include in the package is below: List applies to all levels: Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3
1) 2010 Schweser Study Notes (0 – 5) - (Available Now) -
2) 2010 Schweser Quick Sheet - (Available NOW) –
3) 2010 Schweser Video Series 16 CD - (Availability in Jan 2010) - Will provide 2009 video series for time being to get you started and replace with 2010 later on.
4) 2010 Schweser Practice Exams 1 and 2 with detailed solutions - (Available Now )
5) 2010 Schweser Qbank (Availability in Dec 2009) - Will provide 2009 Qbank for time being to get u started and replace with 2010 later on.
6) 2010 Schweser Secret Sauce (Available in March 2010) – Will provide 2009 Secret Sauce for time being to get u started and replace with 2010 later on.
7) Bonus 2009 Materials – such as previous exams and 2009 secret sauce and more – FREE

you can get the materials as soon as you make the payment!

you can contact me with :[email protected]