1000 points per month 95% accuracy


can anyone please help me and tell me if they have any experience with websites www.iknownindices.com and www.derivatives-manager.com
I am from the uk and I am new to trading and I intend to trade forex and indexes and quite frankly don't feel like trading with no direction or learn after losing £5000. Therefore I have scoured the google and found a couple of sites I am thinking of signing up to the first site deals with forex and the second with indexes.I am thinking of trying the second one as it is only $100 and it's track record seems realistic (but still money is money) but the first one is like $900 and the content seems abit odd as it boasts 95% accuracy??? therefore has anyone had any contact with any off these sites mainly the first one your help will be much appreciated email me your thoughts [email protected]
Thanks Martin.
If anyone could make 95% accuracy, why would they tell anyone else?
You old cynic, FC. Let the man speak.

It must be beginners luck to be able to google and find websites offering 95% accuracy and 1000 points per month, when seasoned traders can barely manage 60% accuracy and 20-30% per month is doing well.

tell me, martin baker, which words EXACTLY did you use to google to get the above websites ?
( and if they didnt appear in the top ten, why did you reject the ones before it )
trendie said:
You old cynic, FC. Let the man speak.

It must be beginners luck to be able to google and find websites offering 95% accuracy and 1000 points per month, when seasoned traders can barely manage 60% accuracy and 20-30% per month is doing well.

tell me, martin baker, which words EXACTLY did you use to google to get the above websites ?
( and if they didnt appear in the top ten, why did you reject the ones before it )

Hi I opened a spreadbetting account with cmc I typed in financial spreadbetting and on the right
I saw derivatives manager- I typed in forex signals and found iknowindices. the reason I rejected the rest was a) no one replies to my email b) their figures were unbelivable c)to expensive
please don't mock me just help me I don't fancy losing my money like most starters I don't believe in this losing money learning curve I'd rather pay someone 80 quid than lose £800 I'm sure you don't agree.but I gues your the best stock trader here????
martinbaker44 said:
Hi I opened a spreadbetting account with cmc I typed in financial spreadbetting and on the right
I saw derivatives manager- I typed in forex signals and found iknowindices. the reason I rejected the rest was a) no one replies to my email b) their figures were unbelivable c)to expensive
please don't mock me just help me I don't fancy losing my money like most starters I don't believe in this losing money learning curve I'd rather pay someone 80 quid than lose £800 I'm sure you don't agree.but I gues your the best stock trader here????

on the contrary, I have only recently learnt to break even.
you have come to right place to learn. ( expect more ribbing 🙂 )

why dont you sign up the cheaper one, and blog your experiences here.
( we have found that most spammers get bored after less than 2 weeks, if you are here longer, you will be taken seriously )

good luck. ( still think 95% is very good - if I compound my gains, starting at £1000 I would own half the world ion about 36 months )

dont mind me - I am bored waiting for a signal.
Hi Martin

No one is mocking you here but there are really no shortcuts the market demands an education from you and you just have to pay the fees just like anyone else and the sooner you accept this the sooner you will be on your way.
If you only lose £5000 as you stated above then quite frankly you have got of lightly. Dont waste your time looking for courses just buy books and then start trading ie getting some experience.
Welcome to the crazy world of trading.
trendie said:
on the contrary, I have only recently learnt to break even.
you have come to right place to learn. ( expect more ribbing 🙂 )

why dont you sign up the cheaper one, and blog your experiences here.
( we have found that most spammers get bored after less than 2 weeks, if you are here longer, you will be taken seriously )

good luck. ( still think 95% is very good - if I compound my gains, starting at £1000 I would own half the world ion about 36 months )

dont mind me - I am bored waiting for a signal.
Hi I had to look up spamming on google.I'm not doing that and I 've been told I've even spelt the url incorrectly.anyway I telephoned the first one in India he seems odd the second one i left a message and they called me back and explained that they have had a good month since the markets went really high and then drop God knows?? I will take your advice and join the second one as they seem sensible and I can choose out of 9 stockmarkets to do and its good for UK spreadbetting.so i will join today and post you.
PS I think your funny. 😀
martinbaker44 said:
Therefore I have scoured the google and found a couple of sites I am thinking of signing up to the first site deals with forex and the second with indexes.

trendie said:
It must be beginners luck to be able to google and find websites offering 95% accuracy and 1000 points per month, when seasoned traders can barely manage 60% accuracy and 20-30% per month is doing well.

tell me, martin baker, which words EXACTLY did you use to google to get the above websites ?
( and if they didnt appear in the top ten, why did you reject the ones before it )

Martin, you know that you shouldn't search with Google in Chinese, don't you?

heard a rumour from sources that theres a company offering 100% profitable trades.

source goes onto say that the 100% profit is the cash fronted by confused traders who feel the markets will make them rich men.
0FXTrader0 said:
heard a rumour from sources that theres a company offering 100% profitable trades.

source goes onto say that the 100% profit is the cash fronted by confused traders who feel the markets will make them rich men.

ohmigod ohmigod PM me the name of the company! I would like to sign up for their stock picker! Yes. If someone else has a website and it says that they have 100% or 95% correct stock picks I want to sign up! Forget all that studying the markets bull... and risk management? Who needs that when someone will tell me what to buy! It will go up right!? I would even pay up to $20,000 for such a service! That way I can't lose! But only sites over 90% please, that would be a realistic expectation. That's even better than Cramer!

I'm going to be rich!