1:500 CFD hedging on two accounts


Hi there guys, I really hope the following will not get me into any trouble as this does not feel right, however I am just to curious to let this slide.

Given the market volatility in the past few weeks, I have opened a trade every Friday night with either going short or long on a leverage of 1:500 of 50 - 100 euros. After the trade was placed, I pulled out all my equity over the weekend. When markets opened back up on Sunday night or Monday morning I either lost my 50-100 euros plus the equity margin and some loss of the where the market closed (roughly 150-200 euros) OR I made profit. A 50/50 casino gamble that in the past few weeks made me a solid profit, not trading and I wont be proud but I guess cash is cash.

Perhaps you might know where this is going..... I was thinking, this does not have to be gamble if you have two broker accounts working for each other. One is short the other is long, both on same terms 100 euros trade with a 1:500 leverage. Please bear in mind a profit is only possible with a minimum weekend market volatility and two brokers, either two people or one person two broker accounts.

NOW, this cant be legal ....... What are your thoughts or experiences ?