0.005c per share with $3000 minimum account?


Junior member
I'm looking to find a broker that offers 0.005c per share (found even two)
BUT they both require a $25,000 minimum account for daytrading.
I'm looking for the minimum of $3000 if available.

From what i remember the day trading rules are only effective in America.

Remember a thread on here a few years back whereby Canadian brokerages were
offering accounts not having to meet the PDT rules

Questrade client margin accounts generally receive 3:1 margin on eligible securities. Buying power is set each morning based on your cash balance, less margin charges on positions held overnight. In order to maintain 3:1 margin, the total equity in your account must equal U.S. $500. Questrade does not enforce U.S. style pattern day trading rules.

Questrade Pricing | Stock Margin & Buying Power | Margin Account

Their comission is 1c per share and thats what i get now from my broker.
Im looking for half a cent and a dollar minimum per trade instead of the 2.5
i pay now even if i buy 100 shares.

I know lightspeed and some other company offer that but with $25000 min which
i don't have...

Thanks anyway,
Great week,
Their comission is 1c per share and thats what i get now from my broker.
Im looking for half a cent and a dollar minimum per trade instead of the 2.5
i pay now even if i buy 100 shares.

I know lightspeed and some other company offer that but with $25000 min which
i don't have...

Thanks anyway,
Great week,

Hi Roi,

I dont trade shares so wouldnt really know. Have a look on Google for some more Canadian Brokers as i mentioned they dont have the PDT rules so you may find one a lot cheaper. Let us know if you do as its always handy to know


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