Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques

Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques

Steve Nison
Jan 1, 2001
Traditional Western methods for chart analysis (the basis of all technical analyses) use bar or points and figure charts. Yet over 100 years before these methods originated, the Japanese were using their own style of technical analysis for use in the rice futures market. This technique - known as the Japanese Candlestick Charting Techniques because of its close resemblance to candlesticks - has recently been attracting attention because it provides unique insights into the market. This work features over 300 charts that use candlesticks alone and in conjunction with Western charting techniques, and explains their use.
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4.60 star(s) 5 ratings

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Pretty Good.

It's pretty good really as far as it goes. In terms of giving you set ups, it's great. You just need to bear in mind that these are tools, so you have to learn to use them effectively.

Overall, worth having on your shelf, and if you don't already use this stuff, it will add another angle.
good content, heavy reading

this is an older book in my collection and definately shows its age somewhat in the way its presented, content is good in relation to the subject matter though its heavy going, Nison is definately the authority on Candlesticks and if you want a real study project then this is the one for this subject.
Nison's Candlestick charting

I agree with existing opinion - in fact I'm probably being harsh with the 4's!

Very nice book indeed, well laid out with lots of examples and explanation. I marked it down ever so slightly because I think some of the important points tend to slightly disappear in the text - maybe the author wants to ensure every single page is scrupulously devoured!

This is by 'the' candle chart guru, which doesn't make him the best trader in the world of course but it's a book I've referred to constantly since I bought it. Worth every penny....

A new way...

I think the techniques given here are an excellent way to enter/exit trades, no matter what you trade : index, forex, bonds etc. However, it usually only applies to reversals of trends. Either way, it gives a thorough insight written in an easy-to-read way and with many clear charts and illustrations to make things easy to understand. The Japanese have been using these techniques long before the bar chart where or any other form of analysis was invented in the West. And now... well try to find a software that doesn't have Candlestick charting!

To add, those who want to know where and what these candle stick signals mean then why not by the person who brought them to the western World. 1 big hardback book but well organised and well written.
Nison: Japanese Candlesticks

We all seek the Holy Grail trading system to no avail. For those interested in candlestick charts Steve's book is pretty much the Holy Grail in terms of information, explanation and analysis of Japanese Candlesticks.

He not only explains the various candlestick patterns in a comprehensive and easily understood fashion, but he goes on to explain how they demonstrate the underlying supply & demand forces driving the market. He also shows how they sit with more traditional techical analysis techniques and how he has used candlesticks in his trading.

The book is only deficient because it misses out one or two important pattern features. Steve covers these in his second book - Beyond Candlesticks - but they would have been better in this one.