EOD Data

EOD Data

Download FREE end of day stock market quotes and historical data for many of the world's top stock exchanges. Stock data is compatible with most of the leading charting packages including: MetaStock ®, Omnitrader ®, SuperCharts, Advanced GET ™, TradeStation, AIQ, EzyCharts, and many more.
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1.75 star(s) 8 ratings

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Stock limitations

Wouldn't consider buying historical stock data since they don't make any adjustments for dividends and the datasets also doesn't contain delisted stocks (according to their faq), so backtesting data will probably be biased !? Decided to buy commodities though during a half price campaign, seemed like a good price if the dataset is 'clean' (have no opinion yet).
Send an email question about a download link that I thaught was buggy or behaved strange but never got any response.
Avoid This Vendor

Data quality is often poor. Even if you pay for "Platinum Support" expect your emails to go unanswered.
This is not just question emails, but emails to report major service outages. In some cases major data feeds have gone down for weeks and may never be repaired.
"Platinum Support" is really no support at all.
I would never use this vendor for a serious application and I highly doubt I'd use them for even a simple academic study.
Even though the services may appear to be cheap or even free, I find that they're not worth the money.
Big FRAUD: They charged me without my authorization

I used their EODData service for a month and I'm very disappointed by their service. I used their data only once and found it completely useless for purpose.
I didn't want to lockin for longer period, so subscribed to their platinum service for only a month. But to my surprise after 30 days they again charged my card $29.95!! I never signed up for any recurring payments. The worst thing is they don't tell you that they are going to save your card information. Neither could I find any link on their website to stop recurring payments nor any customer support number.

Rubbish support and incorrect data

I have just joined EODdata Platinum over a week ago. I took advantage of the 3yr's worth of data for my charting analysis. I have sent a total of 6 emails in a week to ask for the data to be provided and not one single answer or change to my page to be able to download the data. If I had known it was going to be like this, I should have subscribed monthly, so I could cancel and only lose a small amount, but since I've paid yearly, I'm stuck with this for a year. If you want to try EODdata, do it by the month or not at all. Take a careful read of the Terms and Conditions, as it clearly states after they have your cash, they can do what they want with no recompense whatsoever, which is probably why they have such a bad support service. Beware.
EODDATA LSE not free

It's worth pointing out that EODDATA for LSE is NOT free!
Please Note

Richard Dale owns a competing stock data website and therefore his opinion should be removed.

Clearly he feels threatened enough by eoddata to engage in underhand practises.
EODData review

I already have a commercial feed for some markets and receive this in CSV format therefore I have to maintain the data myself anyway. That's the price of writing your own package. In this respect, this free data for markets I haven't been able to buy elsewhere compares favourably.
EODData review

unfortunately many data points are missing from this free data feed (many LSE stocks missing)

And it doesn't incorporate any corporate actions (eg. code changes, stock splits, spinoffs, delistings etc.) so you rapidly have a unmaintained database full of incorrect codes, missing data and delisted stocks.

However, if you understand the limitations of such data and don't want to use it for any serious testing, it's a great price (free). Just don't rely on it for developing your systems.