Recent content by Xiru DAX

  1. Xiru DAX

    [DARWIN] DAS by XiruDAX

    Hi traders and investors: I have had a stop in my trading to be able to better contain the DD, in the last years I was lowering the risk little by little and then I was raising it little by little. Now what I have done is to stop my trading and now I will use the usual lotaje again, this way I...
  2. Xiru DAX

    [DARWIN] DAS by XiruDAX

    Today is a great day for my darwin DAS, it managed to close the DD. This year I am having a extra profit with swing trades and having a greater consistency.
  3. Xiru DAX

    [DARWIN] DAS by XiruDAX

    Thank you very much morehastelessspeed! It was a awesome day! :) After that day, I had a uncomfortable DD due I increased the leverage 50% because I am increasing it when I take new profits until arrive to the normal leverage. Now I added swing estrategies those give to my trading a very good...
  4. Xiru DAX

    [DARWIN] DAS by XiruDAX

    Darwinex has just released a new filter called Essentials and it seems to be a selection of 20 darwins for investors who are just starting out. My darwin DAS is in this classification and it is also the one that is gaining the most in the last 3 months. The truth is that it is a tremendous...
  5. Xiru DAX

    [DARWIN] DAS by XiruDAX

    Hi traders: Thanks to the volatility in 2020 I was able to design strategies capable of winning with it and this year I am reaping the rewards. I have been able to close DD faster than in the past and in fact it is taking less and less time. Now my goal is to make the DD shallower and also to...
  6. Xiru DAX

    [DARWIN] DAS by XiruDAX

    Thank you very much! Although I have been trading for many years, I have learnt a lot in the last 3 years and I hope that the next years will be really good.
  7. Xiru DAX

    [DARWIN] DAS by XiruDAX

    Hi traders: With this excellent month of February I managed to finish among the best in the Darwinex contest for the 10th time. 32nd place out of 4959 traders whose prize is an allocation of 85.000€ for the next 6 months🏆🏆🏆🏆
  8. Xiru DAX

    [DARWIN] DAS by XiruDAX

    Thank you very much! My trading continues with cruise speed and I hope maintain it for a long time. All the last drawdowns wouldn´t repeat again, but I will have some drawdowns in the future although it will be less long and hard. To finish 18º of 4279 traders is very good
  9. Xiru DAX

    [DARWIN] YZZ by thic

    What a pity! But If you see its trackrecord, you can see how the profit in darwinex is near zero. It is another example of a good track record that fall in darwinex.
  10. Xiru DAX

    [DARWIN] DAS by XiruDAX

    Hello traders: My darwin DAS continues to make new all-time highs my trading continues to maintain cruising speed and the results are starting to look very good in the last few months.
  11. Xiru DAX

    [DARWIN] DAS by XiruDAX

    Hello traders: New all-time highs on my darwin DAS, my trading is reaching cruising speed and after many years I can say that I have reached the point where I can squeeze the DAX in the most optimal way based on my style. Trading is a very long road in which if you hold on you get it!
  12. Xiru DAX

    [DARWIN] DAS by XiruDAX

    Hello traders: My darwin DAS has broken its maximum and has recovered the last reduction dating from October of last year. In these seven months I have given my trading the last adjustments and I have finished my search for new strategies. I have studied the DAX since 2012 and it has no...
  13. Xiru DAX

    [DARWIN] DAS by XiruDAX

    Thank you very much for your words @CavaliereVerde . But I would like more to show all the track record to see how I control the DD during several years. Anyway I am not satisfied with my trading until now. This year has been a very complicated year for me due to the high volatility and I...
  14. Xiru DAX

    [DARWIN] DAS by XiruDAX

    Hello traders: CavaliereVerde, thank for your confidence for be a investor of my darwin from a long time, few investors mantain their confidence in the worst moments. I am a trader specialiced in the DAX index, for me is better to know much an active and concentrate all the efforts on it...