Recent content by wintergasp

  1. W

    Comms free futures trading

    Look, everyone knows that a 10k$ account doesn't last. You can ask any broker over a beer in London. If all you have is 10k$, you won't be able to sustain yourself efficiently and that will affect your mindset. Even if you are in a cheap city and only need 30-40k$ a year to live, you'll never...
  2. W

    Is it legal to work for more than one prop firm?

    Same, most "at home" prop firm don't legally hire you so you can do whatever you want.
  3. W

    Selling tick data

    Right well I don't know, maybe but what's the data ? Is this futures ? cfd ? what period ? I'm always looking for data but I need to know what it is
  4. W

    Is it legal to work for more than one prop firm?

    Most prop firms don't employ you really... so yes. If you speak about a serious prop firm.... you wouldn't want to work for more than 1 serious prop firm anyway because you'd be making a lot of money already.
  5. W

    ''Make me a market'' Question MM firms

    Been a market maker for 5+ years in FX. Had yearly compensations over 1m£ for most of those years. Never heard of that question.
  6. W

    Selling tick data

    DO you have ask side and bid size ? do you have the "lasts" or is this just quotes ? for how long do you have it ? is this futures, cash, cfd ?
  7. W

    For Sale: FX broker company

    Man forget about it. I get 0.1 pip EUR/USD with my LPs. 0.8 pip has to be whitelabel in someway. 55,000$ doesn't even cover minimum prime brokerage cost for six month, let alone technology etc. of a non-whitelabel setup.
  8. W

    Advantages of trading forex via a company?

    I think you don't understand the definition of Income. Income is money that you make personnally. Yourself. On your account. This has nothing to do with money a corporation makes. And you, as a shareholder of a corporation, are not taxed for the money a company makes. You are taxed for dividends...
  9. W

    Questions to ask broker to determine if they are ECN?

    You can have a 10,000 contracts bid on 1 venue and a 200 contract bid on another venue that's arbitrageable, just like you could have 10 contracts and 2 contracts, so the liquidity (10k contracts is more liquid than 10 contracts) doesn't necessarily give you a hint at whether there are...
  10. W

    Best recommendation for a UK Broker for intra day and options trading

    Hmmmm if 5 digits is 99,000 then you may find some institutional grade providers who will believe this is just a small margin to try out. If it's 10,000, it'll be much much harder.
  11. W

    Multi Chart Platform Reader for Mac

    You won't find a platform on a mac tho ? to trade I mean
  12. W

    Newbie and my 1st query :)

    Demo accounts may very well be just buggy. Your stop should have been hit.
  13. W

    Could Deutsche Bank Fail?

    No DB's potential failure is not connected to Brexit. This is just media noise.
  14. W

    Could Deutsche Bank Fail?

    Not really our fault, the prime brokerage business where a hedge fund has its money is not supposed to make money because of deposit - so Deutsche wouldn't make less money if we take our deposit out. They make money on exotic product matching and derivatives.
  15. W

    I would like to ask the experienced traders

    Monday and Friday are just normal days. If you trade long-term you'll keep positions over the weekend of course. Each trading style is different but statistically speaking you won't see any difference between wed and fri, just look at avg. range of daily market data