Recent content by tsunamizawa

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    bullbearRSI never lies eod dec 11st, bearRSI rises
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    bullbearRSI performs better than advances/declines data from 2000 to 2015
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    bearRSI rises eod dec 9, bearRSI rises for the last 3 days
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    history of SPX up/down since 1950

    2015 date 17th eod nov 16, 4 updays, 3 downdays.
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    bullRSI decreased eod nov 13
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    How to use Stochastics

    inside stochastic if close - lowest increases, stochastic increases if close - lowest decreases, stochastic decreases. if highest - lowest increase, stochastic increases. if highest - lowest decreases, stochastic decreases.
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    eod nov 11, bullRSI decreased > 100% for the last 8 days.
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    bullbearRSI testing paper bullbearRSI testing paper for IDX market & SPX market since 2000
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    history of SPX up/down since 1950

    how many days close up or down on dd ? ( dd = date ) how many days close up or down on ddmm ? (dd = date mm = month ) how many days close up or down on ddww ? ( dd = date ww = dayofweek ) SPX on Nov 2nd since 1950
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    eod oct 23, bullbearRSI histogram still posotive
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    eod oct 2, I always say, there is an opportunity behind market #panicsell ( signal red dot )
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    eod sept 25, bearRSI GSPC goes up.
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    MACD Fake Signal how to improve it

    try 3 periods MACD
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    MACD Fake Signal how to improve it

    list below meet your filter ? picture upload
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    eod sept 16, bullRSI rises & bearRSI goes down