Recent content by triggerhappy

  1. T

    My Success with Finspreads

    Thanks for your replys. The balance owing to them after they close AFC at a slightly better price of 3.8p, was £127.41. I came clean with my mum, and she helped me out, and lent me money for the month. I will not be going into this matter in more detail now I relize that is the way...
  2. T

    My Success with Finspreads

    I just logged onto my account to discover they have closed the positions before the contract dates. They are liable now and I am seeking legal advice to hopefully claim compensation.
  3. T

    My Success with Finspreads

    The contracts are not up till March and June. £85 long at 5.6p per point expires March, and £100 long at 5.6p per point expires in June. This means I do not have to pay Finspreads anything until the expiry dates, if AFC do not come good by then. Although Finspreads want me to settle with...
  4. T

    My Success with Finspreads

    I won the competition in October. Nearly every trade I have made since then has lost me money. Today Finspreads are phoning up asking me for £300 or they will close my account, even though the contracts for Advanced Fluid Connections PLC, do not run out till March. I am £150 in debt and they...
  5. T

    Crown Corp - now LANGBAR - change of epic

    I have had no confirmation about the prize I have won for coming first. My email address is [email protected]. Also I would like to know how long do I have till I open my Finspreads account properly to claim the prize?. Medoil, hope you have better luck next time and that my...
  6. T

    Crown Corp - now LANGBAR - change of epic

    skeltonr9 - I take a very light hearted approach to investing and never get worked up over what happens either way. Its only money at the end of the day. I have opened a Finspreads account up yesterday and I am looking forward to the prize money. I never will do spreadbetting on a credit...
  7. T

    Crown Corp - now LANGBAR - change of epic

    Cheers Sharky, these consolodations must be a newsance since they are starting to happen all the time. Pitty I traded LGB today since I am risking loosing my first when I do not have to.
  8. T

    Crown Corp - now LANGBAR - change of epic

    Sharky, Please can you amend Osmetech since it has been consolodated, skeltonr9 paid 1.75p and is now nearly showing a ten bagger just for buying before it was consolodated.
  9. T

    Crown Corp - now LANGBAR - change of epic

    I am in first with shorting CBY and I am worried if they suspend I will be coming last. I think if a stock suspends and one is short they still loose everything. I hope this is not right.
  10. T

    Crown Corp - now LANGBAR - change of epic

    I just shorted £75,000 worth of CBY at 7.5p. There is a massive ramp going on and I do not like the look of it,. Therefore im glad to take advantage.