timsk's latest activity

  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    Recently, I heard someone describe Kamala Harris as a 'nothingburger' and an empty suit who's no more up to the job than Biden. Be that...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    Hi R_L, I don't know for sure, but my guess is that you're a Democrat and, if that's the case, I'm curious to know what you think your...
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to Rufus_Leakey's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Haha Haha.
    A worm allegedly ate part of his brain and died (maybe from malnutrition;)). He still has more brains than what's left in Biden and...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    Agreed At' - I'd vote for RFK if I was a U.S. citizen. Mrs timsk doesn't like him - not because of his appearance, views or policies -...
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to Atilla's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    Interesting to see what Biden does next. Democrats hoping he'll step down voluntarily and appoint some new successor. I reckon...
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to Atilla's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    Very well written and agree 100% Tim. As per many articles, commentators and reports as well as signed documents, Gorbachov opened up...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    c_v, You and other hawks on the side of the argument that wants to promote a forever war and shun all talk of peace, like to paint me...
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to Atilla's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    China already has taken advantage of the situation, US has delivered to it on a silver platter. BRICS countries already have an...
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    Zelensky: Ukraine does not want the war to last for years See more at...
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to Atilla's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    It's not about winning or losing and that is a wrong approach to how you frame events. It is about establishing peace and getting on...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    Oh dear c_v, you've really no idea what's going on have you! Your level of delusion is off the Richter scale. Of course, if you truly...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    Hands up all those who'd like to read c_v's letter to Nigel Farage - hit this post with a 'like' if you do! C'mon c_v, don't be shy - at...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    Just what Farage needs - advice from you! :ROFLMAO: Who's going to stop Russia, exactly? The U.S.? NATO? Nope - they're completely...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    Indeed At', and becoming clearer by the day. I expect the Biden administration are going nuts after U.S. Atacms missiles were used...
    • Lavrov_statement.png
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.