timsk's latest activity

  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    Still attacking the messenger and ignoring the message. That's all you can do as your entire argument - flimsy as it was from the outset...
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to Rufus_Leakey's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Sad Sad.
    There is no conspiracy here. Scotty simply "forgot" to tell the viewers he didn't have a special sex offender passport...
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to counter_violent's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Sad Sad.
    Funniest vid I've watched in a long time. All they are missing is red noses. So these Two are going to take on the US govt are they...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    "Unlike many Western politicians, Russian diplomats say what they mean. They are not ones to make idle, empty threats. Joe Biden and the...
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    We are the closest to nuclear armageddon we've ever been. But the scariest part is that there's only a handful of people in the west who...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Asian Coronavirus Outbreak.
    Further to my last post immediately above this one - here's the excellent Dr. John Campbell and his take on the same story. Enjoy . . .
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Climate Change.
    How Britain’s Met Office works the 'Climate Change' racket; a look at the mechanics of the thing What does the Meteorological Office in...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Asian Coronavirus Outbreak.
    BMJ Study Links Excess Deaths and Covid Vaccines – Telegraph Makes it Front Page News Who'd have thunk it - front page news on a major...
    • Jab_deaths.jpg
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    The U.S. doesn't need to recruit 'Kremlin insiders' to work out what [Russian] leaders’ priorities are or what they’re trying to...
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to Atilla's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    Our MSM press is really shiite. Even with the electioneering coverage. (going off topic a little but here it is). Everything is so...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    . . . And therein lies the rub. NATO the organisation and its members know it's game over for them if Russia wins the war. And, for all...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Asian Coronavirus Outbreak.
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    Indeed At': those in the U.S. administration endorsing this policy are criminally insane - along with Cameron and BoJo here in the U.K.