timsk's latest activity

  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Climate Change.
    Climate alarmists are fond of referencing 'The Science' which almost always means GIGO computer models to promote the illusion of...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Climate Action = A New Tomorrow.
    I think you're in some sort of dystopian hellscape Tom that those evangelising the climate apocalypse have planned for us! ;)
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Climate Change.
    Climate Change is Driven by Changes in Orientation of Earth to Sun, Not Carbon Emissions, New Analysis of Berkeley Earth Data Shows Good...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Climate Change.
    Climate Fear Plummets Among Americans Oh dear oh dear, it appears the young are starting to see through the narrative of the globalist...
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  • timsk
    timsk reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    Russia issues military ultimatum to UK Russia warns UK about military response should Ukraine use British weapons See more at...
  • timsk
    Hi Stu, Welcome to T2W. That's one hell of a debut post! To address all the points you raise will take forever and and the reply will...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Climate Change.
    BBC Uses Corrupted Airport Data to Circulate Scares About “Extreme Heat” and Climate Change “London seeing more days above 30°C, experts...
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to Atilla's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    Europe has already made a fatal mistake. It has become a basket case fighting America's proxy war with Russia in Ukraine. Any country...
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to steven46's post in the thread Beyond Price Action with Like Like.
    Hello Now that I have advised you as to how to prepare, I have no further concern. Choose as you wish As regards whether to use weekly...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Beyond Price Action.
    Hi Steven, Thanks for the reply. I don't doubt that having a sound understanding of statistics is likely to be helpful to all traders...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Beyond Price Action.
    Hi Steven, I'm struggling to get my head around what you refer to as 'statistical skew' which, if I've understood you correctly, is...
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  • timsk
    timsk reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.