timsk's latest activity

  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Climate Change.
    New Scientific Evidence That CO2 Emissions Can’t Warm Atmosphere Because it is “Saturated” Published in Peer-Reviewed Journal Further...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Why Am I Losing Money.
    Starting with some knowledge is sound advice and achievable, but starting with experience? Not sure how that works! Perhaps you mean...
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
  • timsk
    timsk reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
    https://southfront.press/in-video-unlucky-ukrainian-uav-operator-blew-himself-up/ “Ukraine is not even a member of NATO. But the most...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Asian Coronavirus Outbreak.
    For anyone who has a shred of doubt that the so called Covid 19 'vaccines' are neither safe nor effective is well advised to watch this...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Climate Change.
    How Many Billions of People Would Die Under Net Zero? Whatever the number, the graphic below shows how the lives of those who survive...
    • Life_Without_Oil.png
  • timsk
    Hi Steve, Have a sift through this lot: Which Books should a Beginner Read? I'm not a swing trader, but I did read (twice!) Marc...
  • timsk
    timsk replied to the thread Climate Change.
    Climate Change is Class Warfare by Martin Durkin, maker of 'Climate: The Movie' ". . . The climate alarm is not supported by scientific...