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    • timsk
      timsk replied to the thread UK Politics.
      Okay, I admit it, I got this very slightly wrong. Biden might - just about - know he's President of the United States, albeit that his...
    • timsk
      timsk replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
      Truth bombs and words of wisdom from Tulsi Gabbard - if only this woman was the U.S. President instead of Biden - the world would be a...
    • timsk
      timsk reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
      Biden’s handlers guiding him with flash cards Parkinson’s doctor regularly visited White House Biden tells Congress he won’t quit ‘I’m...
    • timsk
      timsk reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
      Putin and Orban speak after Moscow talks: Europe needs peace very much See more at...
    • timsk
      timsk replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
      An interview with Viktor Orban, the only adult in the room and a leader who is head 'n shoulders above any other politician in the west...
    • timsk
      timsk replied to the thread UK Politics.
      . . . And your boy is desperately clinging on to power in spite of the fact that he clearly has no idea what day of the week it is or...
    • timsk
      timsk replied to the thread Asian Coronavirus Outbreak.
      . . . Which only adds to his credibility in the eyes of many - mine included. In the early days of the pandemic, on a Thursday evening -...
    • timsk
      timsk replied to the thread UK Politics.
      I'm all in favour of PR c_v which is one of the reasons why I voted for Reform UK last Thursday. But I wager that you're not. Not...
    • timsk
      timsk reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
      democracy or fascism? https://thegrayzone.com/2024/06/12/us-ukrainian-enemies-list/...
    • timsk
      timsk replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    • timsk
      timsk reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread Ukraine invasion with Like Like.
      Orban rejects EU leaders’ criticism of his visit to Moscow Third Patriot system arrives from Germany to Ukraine...
    • timsk
      timsk replied to the thread Asian Coronavirus Outbreak.
      Hundreds of Doctors and Scientists Sign Accord Calling for Suspension and Investigation of mRNA Vaccines In a press release, the...
    • timsk
      timsk replied to the thread UK Politics.
      Loveless Landslide: Starmer’s ‘Meh-jority’ Slammed as Most Distorted Election Ever as Just 20% of Eligible Voters Cast Ballot for Party...
    • timsk
      Hi Steven, Just curious as to the difference (if there is one) between this thread and your existing 'Beyond Price Action' thread...
    • timsk
      timsk replied to the thread UK Politics.
      Well, it turns out I was wrong. Happens very occasionally! :cool: That said, I wasn't wrong by much. . . Voter turnout in general...
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