Tim Wreford

Tim qualified as an accountant in 1997 and has worked for various companies, including finance director for a medium sized firm. He has bought and sold shares and has had a fascination with the stock market since the privatisations in the 1980s. When the company he worked for was sold in 2001 he decided to spend more time pursuing his interest in trading.With an accountancy background Tim is more naturally drawn to systematic trading. However, beginning with spreadbetting on shares and indices he found he was unable to accurately and profitably model the markets on an intra day basis. Moving to online futures trading meant being able to use the actual market data to develop trading systems and direct access to the markets meant that complete systems could be automatically traded via API.Tim now develops and trades futures systems on a full time basis, constantly refining and adding new systems to his portfolio. He also hosts a website which provides information and resources to assist traders to develop their own systems: www.online-futurestrading.com


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