Recent content by Strategic Trader

  1. S

    Broker Commissions

    if you are not interested in the possiblility of getting a few pence or cents off your rate, you are not a trader
  2. S

    Some advice on support/esistance levels please!

    always join the party late - make sure the price action has always confirmed the move you felt was going to happen, before you enter no one wins on every outright trade, but better late and more sure - than early and broke for sure!
  3. S

    Trouble Understanding What Moves Futures Mkt and its Relationship with Spot Mkt

    the futures always lead the cash - since major stock trades are front run in the futures index market the comment - "Dow futures up, Market set to open higher".- is to do with the prior day close compared with the current days futures price if you are new to trading - you would want to forget...
  4. S

    making lots of $$$$$

    do 20 times the same thing you did to get to 50K or put the 50K away safely and get a job as a trader and wait until you are profitable before even thinking about touching the 50K
  5. S

    automated spreads

    twalker i am going to assume that when you say 'proprietary' - that you mean it is your own analytical system that somehow you can program into TT and TT sends the signal - and you DON'T mean that you have written a program in Visual Basic or C and that program is using the TT API if my...
  6. S

    The 'Edge'

    every trade done has a 50/50 opportunity for success - less spread and commision make sure you have been profitable for at least 3 years and making 6 figures for those 3 years - before you feel you have cracked it! and if you have an edge - don't sit on it!
  7. S

    automated spreads

    i guess this is using some sort of inbuilt TT automation as opposed to your own proprietary automation program running through TT's api? did liffe a)figure they could make a bit more money out of auto trades b) want to reduce their liquidity ( good move!!!!) c) reduce the sitting orders on...
  8. S

    automated spreads

    twalker how do they know the order is from an automated system? or are you using an api and the platform provider (TT?) charges you as they have an agreement with LIFFE for api orders?
  9. S

    automated spreads

    whats your definition of trading spreads?
  10. S

    TWS Clock 7seconds Ahead of PCs

    check with TWS if it is possible to lock your computer clock to the TWS clock signal - you can do this with some institutional trading platforms - or get a third party clock to lock to - there is always going to be a few seconds difference to the 'correct time' , regardless of what you do - but...
  11. S

    Where is the Dow & others heading in 2005?

    an analyst does not trade - they are employed to give an opinion that is then used to get work for the company they work for professional traders - unless in a hedged position - would tend to close out all positions overnight and work dynamically with the market during the trading day -...
  12. S

    Where is the Dow & others heading in 2005?

    the dow will definetly either go up, down or sideways - and the only professionals who claim to know, are analysts and not traders
  13. S

    How to get data from screen ?

    scraping data from websites is a little different - since you then have the internet pages that can be directly read in code - but you can also just have a program that can read any data that you see on a screen, regardless of how it is originated
  14. S

    Calculating bid-ask spread

    US based options have a minimum spread of either 5c or 10 - dependent on wether they are under or over 3 bucks but it is difficult to acquire usable options data due to the vast number of options and their illiquidity ( there are private companies with this data - but they would look for...
  15. S

    How to get data from screen ?

    you can read any data that you see on a screen - either by writing a program that directly reads the screen data or else 'sniiffing' the data sent to the screen, so you can effectivly automate programs which seemingly are only manually controllable