steven46's latest activity

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    steven46 replied to the thread Beyond Price Action.
    As many of you know, when we anticipate a move during the London Session, we stay up to trade it, because it can be a significant source...
    • London Session Trade Example.PNG
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    steven46 replied to the thread Beyond Price Action.
    I thought the above post would be my last for the day However I have time tonight to provide additional info One of the limitations of...
    • Today's Additional Trades.PNG
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    steven46 replied to the thread Beyond Price Action.
    What you will notice is that after Jobless report and move up price failed, and at the open institutions marked the market down]...
    • Major Trend Reversal Example.PNG
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    steven46 replied to the thread Beyond Price Action.
    Industry professionals call this (the previous post) and this added chart a "Runup" trade. This phrase refers to the way that news...
    • Runup trade example.PNG
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    steven46 replied to the thread Beyond Price Action.
    Here on the West Coast USA, the time is 4:30am. Most of our profit opportunities occur after London opens at Midnight (PST in the USA)...
    • London Session Trading Example.PNG
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    steven46 replied to the thread Beyond Price Action.
    Hello Traders Attached below is a chart showing an example of framing for a trading range day (in advance of an FOMC comment). On days...
    • Trading Range Example FOMC Day.PNG
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    steven46 replied to the thread Beyond Price Action.
    Although I will try to maintain a presence here., I am trying to complete documents for my Blog ("Beyond Price Action" and I have a...
    • London Market TestRetest Example.PNG
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    Most Professionals know how to proceed when their systems go south AND because they trade "other people's" money, they generally do not...
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    steven46 replied to the thread Beyond Price Action.
    Before I stop posting I want to attach a chart showing the basic "framing" format for Trading Range days. The framing process is...
    • Trading Range Example 4-29-2024.PNG