Recent content by SP23

  1. S

    Horse (not house) prices

    Hello there. I was wondering if anybody out there knows anything about horse prices since I know absolutely nothing and feel that I'm being buttered up with the aim of buying one although I personally have too much respect for the family jewels to ride myself. So... any info on the subject...
  2. S

    Effect of council selling properties

    I was wondering if anyone here has any experience or ideas on this one .... What would be the effect on privately owned property prices in an inner city terraced area with housing mainly owned by and operated as council housing if the council are paying residents to move to a different area so...
  3. S


    Good time to visit do you think ?
  4. S


    Does anyone know what Bali's like Nov/Dec ? Thanx in advance ! :cool:
  5. S

    Where to go on holiday...

    Why has this thread come to the top again ?! That was January and I've been on holiday. It was great knowing that everything was at a reduced rate and enjoyed reminding the yanks about it along the way. .
  6. S

    Where to go on holiday...

    Really don't think the lady will be into the freezing cold that is the Russian winter, however much I've been into going since Wimbledon Was more thinking only the lines of central / south America and the Carib although not sure how the Cuba idea fits in. The dollar's NOT A WINNER THERE ...
  7. S

    Where to go on holiday...

    So with Mr Bushs economic genius in place and the dollar on the slide, where' s best to go on holiday. Assuming that you're not a fan of the US accent that it Anyone know where I can get a list of countries pegged to the $ ?
  8. S

    What is the country with the lowest capital gains?

    NO !! And there's no way I'd eat a curry either !! .
  9. S

    What is the country with the lowest capital gains?

    I could curry my toe nail clippings and they'd taste good !! :cheesy:
  10. S

    What is the country with the lowest capital gains?

    That's old news mate, it's already been built and can be seen from space, although the infrastructure isn't complete yet. The map of the world's not been started yet but when it's done, in the not too distant future seeing as they're totally minted round there, you'll be able to buy any country...
  11. S

    Transferring money to buy property abroad

    ? Are you sure about this ? I don't live in London but as you mention they DON'T seem to have a web site and they DON'T have an entry in Sounds a bit dodgy !
  12. S

    What is the country with the lowest capital gains?

    Dubai Soon you'll be able to buy England ( but it'll be hot and sunny and there isn't any tax to pay on anything as long as you don't go back to the real UK. I think 85% of the population is x-pat ! Can't fail
  13. S

    Transferring money to buy property abroad

    Any idea if they've a web site ? .
  14. S

    Transferring money to buy property abroad

    Thanks Thanks for that, has anyone else any ideas or is that it ?
  15. S

    Transferring money to buy property abroad

    Hi there, I'm sure there's a thread elsewhere along this theme but I'm unable to find it.... Would anyone here like to advise me on which method would work out best for me to move, and exchange, funds from the UK to a Spanish bank account of mine in order for me to buy property there. I'm...