Recent content by Sanook

  1. S

    A Losing Year

    555, But where do I put the bar fine expenses. I'm just asking as I don't know if you can get any relief from previous years tax. Or, whether you just accept that you lost money and aim to do better next year. I wasn't very active in my trading for this tax year, but made a loss nevertheless...
  2. S

    A Losing Year

    Hello, I was wondering. If you have a losing year and make no profit, what do you actually put on your tax return. I have left the box blank regarding profit, but am I supposed to enter the loss anywhere. I've read HS227, and when I try to enter the loss into box to claim from previous years...
  3. S

    UK Tax & Benefits

    Thanks for the replies. Regarding limiting my profits, I meant only in using the forex broker. At the moment I'm using a spreadbetting company and am therefore not (hopefully) liable to pay tax. I'd like to try a dedicated forex brokerage, just to see if there's any difference really, but I...
  4. S

    UK Tax & Benefits

    Hi, I'd really appreciate some information regarding what my tax situation is, now that I trade for a living. I am using both a spreadbetting company and a forex broker, but will limit the profit made through the broker, to under the capital gains tax level. I'm just wondering if I need to...