Recent content by rjay

  1. rjay

    What happens to open profits if FCA broker goes bankrupt ?

    Does anyone know whether FCA protection extends to my open profits in the event of a FCA-registered broker going bankrupt ?
  2. rjay

    Anyone using IG's MT4 ?

    I like IG and have used them for years but I'm not sure about their MT4. Last time I tried them (in February) I was getting requote errors at the end of daily bars (ie not especially busy times), and consequently positions sometimes weren't getting opened or amended. Anyone else here using them...
  3. rjay

    Alpari discussion and help thread

    I sent an email to KPMG/Alpari asking about the FSCS claims procedure but have not heard back. I have received confirmation from them that my claim has been assigned to FSCS - do I have to do anything now ? I have heard nothing from FSCS eiher since assigning the claim about 10 days ago.
  4. rjay

    Alpari discussion and help thread

    I haven't received any email to access the claims portal - when did you get it and what email address was it from ?
  5. rjay

    Cheapest way to trade S&P500 index as CFD ?

    If I wanted to trade the S&P500 index as a CFD, over a couple of weeks horizon, what is the cheapest instrument to use ? IG Index let me trade on the Cash, the e-mini, various ETF's and their own 'Wall Street' cash ...
  6. rjay

    EOD UK feed in Metastock format ?

    Am trying to find a good EOD feed for LSE stocks in Metastock format but can't find anything. There used to be a couple - Paragon was one and also Equis, but the former don't seem to do it anymore and Equis now have an on-demand feed instead. Any ideas - ?
  7. rjay

    Getting a mortgage with trading profits ?

    The size of the debt means I wouldn't be able to pay it down just by increasing trading size.
  8. rjay

    Getting a mortgage with trading profits ?

    When you say "company" are you suggesting trading through a limited company? Most lenders won't regard you as an employee if you own the company, and I'm pretty sure even if your spouse owned the company.
  9. rjay

    Getting a mortgage with trading profits ?

    I don't have a salaried day job (and never have). I'm completely unemployable I think.
  10. rjay

    Getting a mortgage with trading profits ?

    So you preferred going back to 9-5 rather than paying tax ? Not something I could do ...
  11. rjay

    Getting a mortgage with trading profits ?

    Yikes :cry: Did you consider the idea of trading through a limited company and paying yourself dividends &/or salary ?
  12. rjay

    Getting a mortgage with trading profits ?

    Over the past few years my trading income has grown and my self-employed work has reduced. Currently, I trade using spread betting so obviously this is not counted as taxable income. However in the next couple of years I'll need to get a new mortgage. I think I'm right in saying that its very...
  13. rjay

    Stan Weinstein's Stage Analysis

    Thanks, much appreciated.
  14. rjay

    Stan Weinstein's Stage Analysis

    I believe Isatrader is using a Mac app to do his research, but I just wondered what other people are using ? I currently use Sharescope on PC but (a) it's overpowered for Weinstein's method and (b) it doesn't carry US sector indices, so I'm looking to move to a (preferably online) alternative...
  15. rjay

    Stan Weinstein's Stage Analysis

    I note that many (most ?) of you trade US stocks, even though you are in the UK. Is this simply because there are more stocks/opportunities in the US markets than here ? Or do you feel they work better with technical analysis ?