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    • Remstone
      Remstone replied to the thread [DARWIN] FEU by Remstone.
      A little boring thing is I should already be in DarwinIA Gold, considering I always traded at Darwinex, and 25,6 % growth / 10 %...
    • Remstone
      Remstone reacted to IlIlIlIlI's post in the thread [DARWIN] FEU by Remstone with Like Like.
      If you're trading your Darwin for years, you will make the excperience more than once that the DD will exceed the former maximum value...
    • Remstone
      Remstone replied to the thread [DARWIN] FEU by Remstone.
      Thanks. I agree it will be longer to participate in DarwinIA gold. The VaR will take some time to be back to normal too. Every mistake...
    • Remstone
      Remstone replied to the thread [DARWIN] FEU by Remstone.
      @IlIlIlIlI Good analysis. You are totally right to focus on average positive excursion vs average negative excursion. This is, according...
    • Remstone
      Remstone replied to the thread [DARWIN] FEU by Remstone.
      Hello @CavaliereVerde. Infrequent trades are a hallmark of the best traders. Most people are overtrading. An interesting thing is to...
    • Remstone
      Remstone replied to the thread [DARWIN] FEU by Remstone.
      @AriaS Thank you very much for your trust. What happened yesterday was manual trading. I apologize sincerely about that. Hopefully, this...
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