Recent content by RedRenegade

  1. R

    good scalping indicators

    You can use any oscillator for scalping, but you need to know price action! I use there is a lot of great "oscillator indicators"
  2. R

    Candlestick pattern not seen on the book?

    Fourth pattern is known as "Rising Three Methods" It's continual Bullish Pattern, check here: red middle candle could be red or green it's not important. You can find more candlestick patterns here...
  3. R

    MT4 accounts with GBP Base Currency

    Most brokers will allow you to choice GBP as base currency.
  4. R

    Trading for a Living?

    I think it is possible to do trading for a living... like if you work in a company. ;) At-home investors would need to know what they are doing. I do know someone whose sole job is trading from the comfort of their own home. He says he does it because he would rather earn what he is worth rather...
  5. R

    Property Fund idea

    There are plenty of property funds out there... what makes your company unique?
  6. R

    Is there any hope for Africa ?

    lol That's a new one!
  7. R


    I've heard about e-mini's... mostly at personal development pitch fests. From what I understand, they say it's a safer way of trading because it costs a small fee (like $2 or so) to trade and it uses the stock market index futures contract
  8. R

    Fake share certificates?

    Sorry to hear that you've been scammed by this company. You could contact the registrar, but most likely you would just have to take in this lesson by the school of hard knocks.
  9. R


    Reject the phone calls as soon as you can... they all sound like scammers
  10. R

    What happened to John Urbanek? (daytrader/Sunday Times columnist)

    Never heard of him, but glad to know that he's doing much better now. Sorry to hear about your experiences though, Lily.
  11. R

    Pirates: Warship shadowing hijacked American yacht

    You could always use the Rosetta Stone program to pick up
  12. R

    South Korea spied on Indonesia delegation

    I know. A certain country needs a better spokesperson.
  13. R

    Just when you thought it was safe ???

    What a great article. Thanks for sharing!
  14. R

    Mark Madoff

    Hope someone changes the toddler's surname so that he can lead a normal life
  15. R

    What are Americans so scared of?

    The USA is front stabbing Israel though... probably hoping to come up with some winners in this whole revolutionary debacle right now