Phylo's latest activity

  • P
    Phylo replied to the thread What are you listening to now?.
    Why was the Beatles song Helter Skelter linked with the Charles Manson murders? Two of the many themes which inspired the macabre...
    • Screenshot from 2024-04-26 05-11-18.png
  • P
    Phylo replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    Re the old men / old ladies / old pronouns discussions history will be will be what history will be predictions belong to the crystal...
  • P
    Phylo replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    A non-partisan research post - London ---------------------------------------------------- Gentlemen - as previously stated - a post of...
  • P
    Phylo replied to the thread Terrorism????...Blame America!!!!.
    Israeli soldier speaks out on war in Gaza
  • P
    A guy came in a bar for a drink and the robot asked him, "What's your IQ"? The man replied, "130". So the robot proceeded to make...
  • P
    hey everyone Well...2024 is proving to be a very busy year for me on a lot of other projects.... probably wont get develop new stuff...
  • P
    Phylo replied to the thread Terrorism????...Blame America!!!!.
    UN rights chief 'horrified' by mass grave reports at Gaza hospitals
  • P
    Phylo replied to the thread Tesla.
    Tesla Investors Brace for Worst Financial Report in 7 Years...
  • P
    Phylo replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    A non-partisan research post - London ---------------------------------------------------- Could not resist - I'm weak ! Hope I don't...
  • P
    Phylo replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    A non-partisan research post - London ---------------------------------------------------- Due to above my private audience have...
    • Screenshot from 2024-04-23 00-51-17.png
    • Ukraine Delted Posts.jpg
    • Complaint-1.jpg
    • Press Button - 1.jpg
  • P
    Phylo replied to the thread Clips of the day.
    Center Of Mass
  • P
    Phylo replied to the thread Terrorism????...Blame America!!!!.
    US vetoes Palestinian request for full UN membership The vote in the 15-member security council was 12 in favor two abstentions, the...
  • P
    Phylo replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    A non-partisan research post - London ---------------------------------------------------- Another one of Putin's warships 'goes up in...
  • P
    Phylo replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    A non-partisan research post - London ---------------------------------------------------- The White House is losing the messaging war...
  • P
    Phylo replied to the thread Ukraine invasion.
    A non-partisan research post - London ---------------------------------------------------- House votes to force TikTok owner ByteDance...