Recent content by myinvestorsplace

  1. M

    Banks Are Failing –How Do You Protect Yourself ?

    Banks Are Failing –How Do You Protect Yourself ? Banks Are Failing –How Do You Protect Yourself ? The thought of this only several short years ago was not in anyone’s mind. Today from the UK to the States and beyond this fear is forefront in so many people.We have seen so far this year 13...
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    WAMU –Same Story But Just On A Larger Level

    WAMU –Same Story But Just On A Larger Level Greed and leverage (Stupidity) over prudence! Where does it all end? How much money does the Fed have to keep up on these bailouts? How more times can JP Morgan and Bank Of America come to the rescue? Thursday's seizure and sale to JP Morgan is...
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    Paulson's 700 Billion Tax and Print

    Paulson $700 billion Plan -Print & Tax Print and Tax This is what we can expect from the $ 700 billion dollar (and all the Other initiatives Fannie...AIG and all other black holes. Etc.) Call to save the economy. Accepting this initiative will cost every American $37,000. Putting this in its...
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    Flight to Quality –Flight to Warren Buffet His Berkshire Hathaway

    Flight to Quality –Flight to Warren Buffet His Berkshire Hathaway How many of you purchased shares of BRKA (Berkshire Hathaway) when it was all over the news last November that shares were approx $150 dollars each. If you had purchased you would have seen your shares fall to a point in August...
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    2008 Economic Debacle

    2008 Economic Debacle Let’s start with the fact that the median US income last year was $50,233 dollars. Now lets add to the fact that the plan of Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson's $700 billion dollar to stabilize the banking system, that every man, woman and child in the U.S. would be owing...
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    The Most Expensive Foreclosure Yet!

    The Most Expensive Foreclosure Yet! The signs of the times. No one is immune. Rich – Poor… Last week the most expensive foreclosure occurred in London. It had a price tag of approximately $20 million dollars or £11 million pounds. The mansion was purchased by a Dotcom millionaire Robert...
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    Following In the Footsteps of An Economic Depression?

    Following In the Footsteps of An Economic Depression? If history is ever a lesson we should learn from It., maybe just once. True there are always economic cycles but bubbles are formed mainly due to one reason “Cheap Money”. More so, bubbles only really become apparent in hindsight. What we...
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    Who will Bail out the US Govt?

    Andrew Abraham's Reply I believe that this situation will end... America is a great country... we have gone through many other crisises...and this too will pass..more so..once it does end.. ( I will add I have no idea when it will end)..There will be fortunes to be made in stocks.. real...
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    Who will Bail out the US Govt?

    Who Will Bail Out The US Government? In my blog ( ) I thought I was being fascitious when I asked the retorical question... Who will bail out the US Govt? The facts are I believe anything can happen...but Digging deeper...I realized some very concerning...
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    Distressed Debt Waterfall

    Distressed Debt Waterfall? Dana Perino from the Bush admistration tried to calm fears yesterday with her soothing statements.. but the facts are alot different..It should come as no surprise that there's more distressed debt trading right now than at any other time in history - approx $184...
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    Where Do We Put Our Cash?

    Where Do We Put Our Money? Seems like all the rules of the game have changed.. All norms have changed.. The Reserve Primary Fund had $62.6 billion in assets as of last week and it one of the largest money-market funds. However they owned some Lehman toxic paper.. and the cardinal rule of parity...
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    The Dollar Has Broken?

    The Dollar Has Broken? I do not mean the US Dollar has crashed, Gd Forbid. But what I mean is that the Reserve Primary Fund a money market fund which had $62.6 billion in assets net asset value fell below $1.00. This is due to the toxic paper that Lehman defrauded the world with. I use the word...
  13. M

    Are Short Sellers to Blame for the Financial Crisis?

    Are Short Sellers to Blame for the Financial Crisis? I have heard this question asked repeatedly... I find it an insult to ones intelligence to even state this.. There has to be a scape goat... Did the short sellers make the banks give loans to speculators that were not going to live in the...
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    Yet Another Bank Failure This Week

    Yet Another Bank Failure This Week You probably did not hear that there was yet another bank failure this week. The Fed closed down Ameribank a 102-year-old West Virginia bank on Friday. Ameribank, founded in January 1906 and had $102 million in deposits and assets of $115 million as of June...
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    The Lender of Last Resort!

    The Lender of Last Resort! There are always cycles in the economic landscape. There are periods of optimism and stock market rallies as well as periods as we are facing now. Anything can happen… In extreme times Banks fail, Stock Markets fall, Panic sets in and Fear becomes the norm.. The...