Recent content by mr.marcus

  1. mr.marcus

    my journal 2

    ...why not set yourself an absolute target on ,which you have to achieve before even considering live trading again.Dont search for other games or outside education,just concentrate all your energies on this one task.I would aim for 25 maybe 50 winning stocks in a row....this...
  2. mr.marcus

    How would you play this setup?

    Sincerley thank you for your interaction neoripley,it has been invaluable to me,i wish you best of luck with all your ambitions,trading or otherwise. Timsk,Mr charts...ill send the charts and analysisvia email.As far as curries go,my stomach is now with the great Tandoori in the sky im...
  3. mr.marcus

    How would you play this setup?

    "Weak hand" selling has been aggressively bought up by "stong hands". How do we know weak hands are trading short? The prior double top trigger and the degree we have travelled in the range.The volume is diminishing as shown in the red circles at new price levels, so I can also conclude that...
  4. mr.marcus

    Best Thread Everything you always wanted to know about trading...but were afraid to ask! point is that when "people" use the terms strong and weak to describe merely rate of change they are attributing a quality which is not understood.These terms will then program the user to make trading decisions which velocity alone can not qualify.Indeed,this is probably the most primal...
  5. mr.marcus

    Goldman Sach's stolen algo: Tool for Legal Frontrunning

    ...volume is when a transaction has occured...liquidity is potential for a transaction to occur. ...volume can be opening or closing of postions....if it is opening then this will play apart in future liquidty at some point....where volume has been doesnt tell you where liquidty will...
  6. mr.marcus

    Michaeal Jackson & You - Do you Feel A Loss ?

    ....the fact that 1 in 3 people feel some affect by his passing is in fact quite remarkable...although the poll size is obviously not that great before some smart **** obviously bleats on about it "not being statistically significant....blah blah blah"....boring :yawn:...anyway...that equates...
  7. mr.marcus

    Yeah, but why though....?

    I couldn't agree more with the sentiments frugi and CV. After many years of searching for the "whys" and "hows", and having missed many prime opportunities because of the need to "know" every detail ,I decided to review my trading over the last few weeks and strip it down to KISS. This for me...
  8. mr.marcus


    ...fighting back now mate...will find out next month how things have progressed and let you know.....cheers mark j
  9. mr.marcus

    wasps WOT part 2

    ....tell you time your in the are welcome to come to my trading room and sit in "live" long as you dont sit there winking all the time like your posts....cant say fairer than that.
  10. mr.marcus

    wasps WOT part 2

    like i told you....i aint giving you calls....learn to make money for yourself.....and as it is the nq chart up to date....nice try.however i was talking only yesterday with wasp and trendie to discuss "live" audio go figure.i choose who i do "live" on else...
  11. mr.marcus

    wasps WOT part 2

    .....dont be shy mate....just ask if i do a "calls" the meantime may your trendlines bring you all the prosperity and happiness you wish for....with love as always ...mark j.
  12. mr.marcus

    WOT happened next? be starting to think this could be the way to go...i love the simplicity of the approach....certainly would cut down on my analysis time....cheers and happy trading to you.
  13. mr.marcus

    WOT happened next? me old mate albert says....."everything can be foretold"...:lol:
  14. mr.marcus

    WOT happened next?

    ....had to let him go...couldnt grasp the basics...i told him all you need are trendlines...higher highs and higher lows and of course a virtual account you can reset...but he didnt believe me.