Recent content by midge25

  1. M

    Tradeciety / Edgewonk course

    I am looking for a good course to do and have come across these. Has anyone took these courses? Can you recommend them?
  2. M

    Any traders in Manchester / Warrington area

    Hi I am just wondering if there are any Traders in the Manchester / Warrington area, to discuss ideas with?
  3. M

    Best Thread The 3 Duck's Trading System

    has the captain left the building?
  4. M

    FS - Investment books for sale

    I have quite a few investment books for sale all in excellent condition. Would anyone be interested in buying them if I post a list? uk only
  5. M

    Laptop for Sharescope plus

    Look at sharepad instead it works on any platform
  6. M

    FTSE 350 share screening/data

    Have a look at share pad
  7. M

    How I turned £3000 into £20,000 in 6 Weeks

    When you account was small, did you bet the maximum you could on each trade?
  8. M


    Thanks found it
  9. M

    Share Attack by Malcolm Stacey - Free Review Copy Offer

    Could i have an ebook if it is not too late pm'd you
  10. M


    Hod i get it on tapatalk when i search for it nothing comes up?
  11. M

    North West Traders Meet - part 2

    Hi I am Warrington based too, if there any meet ups?
  12. M


    Hi how do I get the site to appear on tapatalk please, I can't find it by searching
  13. M

    importing from sharescope

    Thanks I will have a look at this
  14. M

    importing from sharescope

    What is the best way of importing data from sharescope into metastock EOD Now that the sentinel software is no ,longer available?
  15. M

    metastock data

    I subscribe to sharescope, could someone please tell me how i get my sharescope data into metastock every day please?