Recent content by mb325

  1. mb325

    Crypto Pool

    I didn't want this to descend into personal views on cryptocurrencies, but i'll bite. Joseph, the fact that it has gone up over 1000% in the last 2 years should definitely make one feel a little fearful - it should also make one think that maybe one should own 'a bit' as a means of diversifying...
  2. mb325

    Crypto Pool

  3. mb325

    Crypto Pool

    I'm UK based and would like to find a clean & legal way to give friends/family the chance to get some exposure to cryptocurrencies. This would be a buy and hold for a few years type of thing; minimal 'trading', if any. There would need to be some way for me to take a small % in any profits...
  4. mb325

    Premium difference between SPX and S&P Mini (ES) option premiums

    I don't know the reason for difference in price between SPX and ES, but typically with indices puts will be more expensive than calls as they're in higher demand due to people buying them as downside protection when long stocks.
  5. mb325

    Futures question

    Don't trade individual contracts, buy the Dec16/Mar17 spread to roll your short dec into long mar.
  6. mb325

    Set and forget trading course

    Sorry i only have one that is 5-6% a month.
  7. mb325

    2% or not 2%

    Every time i buy, there has to be a seller. Every time i sell, there has to be a buyer. How is this not doing business with others?
  8. mb325

    Confirmation Bias

    jobsworth ˈdʒɒbzwəːθ/ nounBritishinformal noun: jobsworth; plural noun: jobsworths an official who upholds petty rules even at the expense of humanity or common sense.
  9. mb325

    Stock trade: Is this a 2% slippage? and is it normal?

    I'm going off a historical bloomberg terminal chart which does show the actual prices that traded, not the offer etc., his didn't, I would definitely question it, if only to see what their excuse is. As I said 18k shares traded in that first minute so to not get any on the move higher is odd to...
  10. mb325

    Stock trade: Is this a 2% slippage? and is it normal?

    I see about 18k shares trading in the first minute and an all-day high of just below 18.10 so given (afaik) that price didn't even print it doesn't look like a great fill! No idea what caused it I'm afraid.
  11. mb325

    Move to Break-even.

    can you not change the amount that you close? e.g. you are long at £20/point, on the order ticket can't you amend the 20 to 10 to close half the position?
  12. mb325

    Move to Break-even.

    This is definitely an area I'd like to see more discussion of. My number 1 rule is to protect my capital, so I always have a point at which I move to breakeven. Normally this is an area on a chart where I expect some sort of reaction against the way I'm positioned. I'm also aggressive in...
  13. mb325

    new threads on home page

    I don't work here dude, im just trying to help you out. If you're too lazy/blind to notice it that's your problem, its pretty blatant at the top of almost every page.
  14. mb325

    new threads on home page

    there is a 'new posts' button at the top of the page