Recent content by Martin Laurence Kemp

  1. Martin Laurence Kemp

    Psychology Trading Changes

    As traders, we soon come to realise and appreciate how difficult it can be to take money consistently from the markets. We learn that to have a chance of doing so requires us to make a lot more effort than we may have imagined. We need to have extensive knowledge of the markets and instruments...
  2. Martin Laurence Kemp

    Psychology Trading and Ego

    Does your ego get in the way of your trading? After a couple of wins do you think you can't fail and go on to lose all your days gains? Here we look at ego and how to control it when trading. Imagine a stage populated by the main characters that comprise your inner "trading decision making...
  3. Martin Laurence Kemp

    Psychology Psychology of Trading

    What sort of trader are you? A Trigger Happy Terry or a Fatalistic Fred. In this article the author looks how most traders fall into certain trading 'types'. ?Know thyself? exhorted the ancient Greeks. Pursue intelligent, disciplined self enquiry and you will come to understand the treasures of...
  4. Martin Laurence Kemp

    Psychology The Emotional Dynamics of Trading

    The markets offer an endless stream of opportunities to trade. Each trade or series of trades provides the chance to wipe the financial slate of the past clean, find trading redemption, and claim the lucrative future. Each trade has the potential to announce that your dues are paid, that you are...