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    • Marcellus8610
      Marcellus8610 replied to the thread Profit / Loss Analysis.
      LUX trading today was quick and didn't follow any long term goals. The task was to catch the minimum impulse after the impact of key...
      • recent trades May 28 (IedYE8) for.png
    • Marcellus8610
      Marcellus8610 replied to the thread Profit / Loss Analysis.
      EUR/USD took a break before possible growth. The current Weekly Euro Dollar chart suggests two key aspects that can be identified: the...
      • Euro Dollar May 22 (jf49iu).png
    • Marcellus8610
      Marcellus8610 replied to the thread Profit / Loss Analysis.
      The current Bitcoin fluctuations is part of a correction that has a horizontal channel between the key levels of 60K and 73K. At the...
      • Btcusd April 18 (Iuen43).png
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