Recent content by lgiamma

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    Darwinex Zero

    The topic was interesting and Ignacio's posts justified the discussion …
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    Darwinex Zero

    Thanks for your detailed answer. I want to be brief and try to explain clearly what in my opinion doesn't work in your Darwinex zero. The trader wants to make money on the markets; this is my thought and I'm sure of others too. If after years of study I manage to create a good strategy, I put...
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    Darwinex Zero

    Hi Ignacio, thanks for your contribution to the discussion. I created this thread because I am a Darwinex customer since 2017, at the moment I have 3 active Darwins so I put great attention to all the news you propose. I fully understand your need to differentiate yourself from prop firms but...
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    Darwinex Zero

    95,00 € registration fee is in line with the entry fee of most prop firms. The crazy thing are the 38€/month. Ok there is no rules and no time limits .... but 38€/month it's too much and out of market. Each month with 25K allocation i must earn 1% to cover the fee
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    Darwinex Zero

    I'm curious to know your opinions about the new Darwinex product. My first impression is that they are trying a mix between a copy trading brokers and prop firm.
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    [DARWIN] SWR by lgiamma

    Not a good moment for SWR. During March i made some changes (little) to the system. Unfortunately the darwin works with only 2 pairs and has been designed to work with 10
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    [DARWIN] UTS by lgiamma

    It seems that something is going on. UTS should have passed the lateral moment. When the system is on the wrong side, it takes time to reverse the position (about 1 month). In February and March 2 out of 5 currency pairs were on the wrong side. Let's hope so for April.
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    [DARWIN] SWR by lgiamma

    Three months of life and three months of profit. From today the GBPUSD pair enter in trading.
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    [DARWIN] UTS by lgiamma

    Hi, second month in the shade for UTS. He still earn half percentage point but nothing more. The only new, at moment, is that it's now included in the "good scores" filter. This is good news
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    [DARWIN] UTS by lgiamma

    Graph of UTS to date. These are nine months without significant losses (July 2022 -0.04%). Not a good month in Darwinia 266/4719 but still in positive.
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    [DARWIN] SWR by lgiamma

    The graph below, relating to EURUSD H1 shows the buy and the sell of the underlyng system of SWR from its inception to today. It's evident how the system earns very well when the quotation is stable (December 2022 +14,38%) and how it manages to contain losses (January 2023 + 0,07%) in the event...
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    [DARWIN] SWR by lgiamma

    Hi to everyone, I'm proud to introduce my new creature, the Darwin SWR. It works since 14 January and the performance to date is 12.15% in just over a month and half. It comes from a rib of my UTS and basically behaves in the same way.The difference is: UTS has a standard behavior valid for all...
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    [DARWIN] UTS by lgiamma

    UTS closes December at position 56 ..... My best since the beginning ....!!
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    [DARWIN] UTS by lgiamma

    Until the end of the year UTS will be blocked. Target achieved in Darwinia and with the low holiday liquidity it's better to avoid surprises. 2022 closes very well and this is the fourth allocation of the year and the second in a row. Now UTS is at position 47 .... i hope I don't lose many...
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    [DARWIN] UTS by lgiamma

    Below two images. The first is the "essentials" filter ordered by 6 months return. The second is the UTS performance over 6 months. It's in fourth place right after THA. Okay UTS is not an "essentials" ... but numbers are numbers ...!!..;)