Recent content by korzena

  1. K

    Free real-time intraday volumes for stock indices?

    Could you recommend a website providing charts with real-time/delayed a little intraday volumes for stock market indices (S&P500, NASDAQ, DAX, FTSE, etc.) Thank you.
  2. K

    intraday news and commentary website service for stock indices

    I've just discovered a great service for news and commenatries focused on fx markets - As much as it is helpful in my stock futures trading, I started to wonder if there is equally good (and free) service for stock indices, futures/CFD/EFTs? Anybody could recommend me a good...
  3. K

    polish day trader on board

    Witam, Andrzej z Krakowa WIG20, FW20, DAX Pozdrawiam wszystkich polskich trejderów!:)